Chapter 2 The Brother

Start from the beginning

"Do you really have to leave Landon? Or is this a joke? Like april fools day?" He looks at me with his sad eyes.

"No I really have to."  he pulls a shirt on over his head and a pair of jeans. "My flight leaves at 10." He says as we both glance at the digital clock on his bedside table. it's 7. 3 more hours and he's gone. I gulp. "Hey," he says seeing my expression, "Don't cry, it's only a couple of months, and when I get back... we can do more of what we just did." He smiles at me. "I love you. I'm not going to ditch you for some london girl, you're beautiful and no one can compare to you." As I hug him I grip his t-shirt in my fists willing him to stay with me.

"Don't cry angel." He kisses my tears away. "I'll call you everyday." I am a mess sobbing softly into his t-shirt.

"Please don't leave me!!" I tell him. "Pretty please?"

"I have to I'm sorry." He says looking heart broken. I pout. "Don't pout love, it will fly by okay?"


He's gone. He's on a plane flying to another country as I speak. Landon drove me home and we were quiet the whole way. He kissed me goodbye and then he left. As I walk in the house I see two suitcases in the door, I kick them aside and look at them questioningly. What were they for? "Hey mom? Dad? I'm home!!" I shout into the house and they come walking out of their room.. with more bags. What was going on?

"Sorry honey I forgot to text you," Yeah that's right my mom was a cool kid she texts, "You're great aunt Elda is really sick and some family is needed to take care of her for the rest of the summer."

"My great aunt who?" I ask them. My dad smacks me upside the head playfully, giving me a look.

Mom just carries on, "So me and your father are going down to Phoenix for the summer." Wait they were leaving too? "And I've arranged for you to stay at Landon's house for the summer with his brother." Wait... WHAT????

"WHAT?!?!?!?!" I exclaim, my eyes going wide.

"He's officially an adult so I trust him to take good care of you while you're there. He's only 19 but at least he is somewhat responsible." My mother says. So pack some stuff really quick and we'll drive you down there.

I couldn't believe it. My mom was leaving me with a 19 year old perverted college boy for 3 months. Shit was going to go down.

I packed a few of my favorite clothes, my makeup, my straightener shampoo and brush and stuffed it into a duffel bag.

"Sorry it's so last minute honey, it's just she needs some family there and you are old enough and responsible enough to live without us for the summer." I hold in a scoff as we drive down the street and BACK to Landon's house. "And we heard about Landon and we decided it's better that way so you guys aren't off doing god know's what." I flush a firetruck engine red. Does she know? No she can't know! You're being silly Anastasia.

And when we arrive at the house, I can already tell. It's going to be a long summer.


"Well hello there I knew you would be coming back sooner or later." I smile at the beautiful girl in the doorway. Damn! How did my brother get so lucky. She turns an adorable shade of pink and I smirk. "Decide my brother was a bore? It's okay he gets that alot." Now she just looks pissed. But I heard why she's really here. She has to live with me for 3 months.

   "No!" she says glaring at me, I simply chuckle at her indignance. "I came here because my great aunt something died and I need a place to stay for the summer." She pauses for a moment, "And you're pretty much my only option." She sneers at me. Damn this girl was fiesty.

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