Mujo x Reader

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Welcome back StormRaider101 with your first request! Mujo is a super kawaii and ditzy Nurse boy, isn't he? Okay! I think I may have an idea then! STORYTIME!!!

You held your arm to your chest as you made your way down the halls on the first floor of the school. Maybe trying to arm wrestle Aso was a reallly bad idea. Your childhood friend was stronger than you by a mile! You thought he broke it.

Your footsteps were light and close together. Your head was bowed down as you needed to see the nurse for a confirmation you weren't waltzing along with a fractured limb or something. Your steps were timid, but had a purpose with each step.

The infirmary room now stood before you. You were afraid of a shock of pain when releasing your injured arm from the other to open the door. A small delineate which resolved itself when a cotton candy haired boy opened the door. His kind flint eyes poured into your own orbs.

"Oh dear! Are you alright? Your face is completely red! Oh and your arm! Please come in!"

His voice was clumsy, compassionate, and welcoming. It made you feel better already just hearing it. Who was this? Was he the substitute nurse while your normal one was away? Must be. He sat you on the bed and fiddled with a few things around the room before returning to his patient, you.

"What happened? YOur arm seems to be swelling. You need an Ice back to keep that down!"

He was a little all over the place. Talk about a total right brain, am I right Bo Burnam fans? He rushed over to the sink area where there was a minifridge for medicines and drinks and ice packs And cooking things. Also his lunch. He took out a chilling pack and wrapped it in a thin paper towel. He handed it to you.

"Put this on your arm, dear. We don't want it to get all puffy."

His smile was a joy to see. You were obliged to obey this boy's commands. You sat down on the edge of the bed, kicking your legs as he fumbled with a few bottles and cabinets. He was muttering cute things to himself. How adorable. But your arm still was in excruisanting pain.

"Uh....Mister Nurse? My arm really hurts...."

"Yes! Yes of course!"

He set the pill bottle he finally found on the counter as he went over to you. He took the ice pack away from you and see the it beside you on the bed. He was a bit frantic, but oh well. He took your arm and you recoiled at the slightest touch near the bicep and vainal areas. He flinched at your reaction.

"Oh my oh my! Did you pull it somehow?"

You winced and looked in his pewter eyes filled with concern. You tried to make light of the situation. You closed your eyes and did the cliché anime girl smile of reassurance with a joke.

"Don't arm wrestle with the club president."

You stifled a chuckle but the worried nurseboy took this very seriously. His gentle, warm, big hands had a light grasp on your pulled wrist. It was so feathery weightless you couldn't feel anything except the tips of his fingers brushing your skin. Was he an angel?

He set your arm down straight slowly, you winced in the process burn it finally relaxed at your side. He kept slowly bending it up and down until two he muscle relaxed, but pain still with oiled surge at sudden movements. He hummed, thinking. You gazed at him as he fumbled to the counter, picking up the bottle of pills, a small Dixie cup of water, and a sling.

He pulled a mini table over by the bed. He took two small tablets from the pill bottle and placed them nicely in your non-hurt palm. You threw the pills in your mouth and reached for the cup. You washed down the medication as soon as humanely possible. 

"Good girl. Now put this- OH!"

Leaning over to try and get to your hurt arm, he tripped on the table causing him to fall to the ground, pulling you with him. You squeezed your eyes shut and retracted your hurt arm a sigh soon as possible to reduce even more pain. 

When you opened your eyes you saw yourself sitting on top of the Nurse in a most.... inappropriate manner. He was looking uo at you with a flushed face. You had the same scarlet framed in your cheeks so you didn't a barrel roll off of him.

You covered your face with your hands, on the floor next to the medic. He was now sitting up with a very kawaii flustered expression. Neither of you knew what the heck just happened.

"Wah! I'm so sorry mister nurse!"

"'s fine. And please, it's Mujo."

He smiled warmly at you before lifting you up bridal style back onto the bed so he can get that pesky sling on your arm. You wouldn't need it in two hours, when the painkillers started to flow in your system. You watched Mujo travel to his desk and write a note.

"In two hours meet me back here for the sling. You should be just fine."

With a warm smile he helped you off the bed, like the gentleman he is, and walked you out the door. He waved you down the hall as you had to find out what class you were supposed to be in right now.

Was it a bad thing you were looking forward to your next injury?

Hey! I liked how this one went! What about you?


Yandere Simulator [Male!Rivals] x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt