Kizano x Reader

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I know I really should get at least one for each rival done.... but I don't got no requests so I don't got to do boo. Props for the reference btw. But yeah. Request plz? I'm not sure if anyone is even reading this to be honest.... I hate having to beg for attention. Oh well... Story Time?

You dragged your masquerade gown with your feet along the stage with your monochrome butterfly mask firmly in place. This was the big ballroom scene. You were putting in an original play created by the Kizano Sunobu. He was a pretty big deal.

The fact you were cast as the leading female role was extraordinary. The only reason had to be your prior knowledge. You were a sucker for a fairy tail. Happily ever after? Magic? Dragons? You were all in. A little fantasy fairy as some called you.

Your gown was monochrome. Black and white to match a cherckerboard setting like one you'd see in a wonderland style creepypasta. Your dress flowered into many sections and your shoulders were bare despite having long silky sleeves. Your hair tied neatly into a braided bun at the back of your head. If your hair isn't long just pretend you have a mini braid, if it's too short for that then you're wearing a wig.

You took out a prop of yours, a feathered fan trimmed in black to keep the feel. You fanned yourself, getting in character and cooling yourself down. It was almost time for you to take center stage in the dress rehearsal.

More on the play you are doing. It's set like Alice in Wonderland but also has Cinderella elements as well has a plot with originality weaved into a perfect storyline. You were the princess od Spades, set to marry the King of Hearts. It was an arranged marriage but the King has prepared a masquerade ball to celebrate his final moments of being single. He meets you and shares a dance, he falls in love with you without knowing you were his bride to be all along. The ending was cheesy and cliche, but that was your aesthetic.

You heard your cue in the music so you twirled out for me behind the red curtain, entering the stage. Your silk dress coming full circle and you end up faceing Kizano in his passionate glory. His red suit and heart shaped mask suited him well with his ouroke hair as contrast as well as the vermillion roses he always has set in his side ponytail.

You giggle, take the fan in front of your mouth, and take a little curtesy. You hold out a black gloved hand towards him as delicately as you could. Your character was also silent, reserving herself for her husband and he alone. It was a Spade law for women of age. Only family and spouses may know your true side after the age thirteen. So you'd have no lines until the end of the play, or the final act if you'd prefer it said like so.

His red gloves hand slipped under yours, leading your fan closed and into your dress pocket. His fingers entwined in yours before his other hand went away from your held put palm and towards your waist. Your free hand draped oh so lightly around his neck as he lead you into a waltz along with the rest of the cast. But they were side characters in this scene. The spotlight was was on you and Kizano.

"Who are you, I'd like to know my dance partner's name."

His line. His voice bokmed and echoed in the best way possible. You moved your hand to caress his cheek. This was a part of the scene, you swear! You shook your head cutely and pointed to a ring on your finger entwined in his. This conveyed you were engaged. Your character wasn't aware to be dancing with her fiancé. Again, this was an aranfed marriage.

"A woman of the spade, huh? Curious. My bride is one of the same. Perhaps you can give me some prior knowledge of Spade Women?"

He dipped you after an elegant twirl and brought you back up. He leaned in for a kiss, your masks flat so this was possible. But your kiss scene wasn't until the end. You're brought your hand that used to be draped around your neck in front of your lips, brushed black with lipstick. You didn't really want to stop the kiss though. But dress rehearsal may as well be a performance.

You shook your head again and he huffed loud enough for the audiance to hear. He bent down and kissed your hand like a servant his master. You giggled again, pulling out your fan and hiding the rest of your face that wasn't covered by the mask.

"Then may we meet again, Miss Spade."

That's when the scene ends and you both find new dances partners. The curtain falls again. YOu Rush Back to the stage. Your lips smudged a bit from your glove. You went to makeup to get that fixed. While Riko fixed the lipstick Kizano stood by, waiting to ask you questions.

Once you stood up and picked up your mask again, Kizano was holding his own in his hands. He took his gloved hand and placed the thumb, middle, and index under your chin. His eyes poured into your own.

"The next scene, are you prepared for it?"

You smiled, not talking to Stay In character. He smiled and placed his mask on the bridge of his nose, Yui fixing it from behind. His crimson cape flew behind him elegantly. He really was a king in more ways than one.

Just to play around, you repeated the hand out action. Kizano smirked and graciously took it. You held hands until you got on stage and in position. The curtain lifts again as the next scene begins.

If you haven't guessed, this was based on Canterella. Another vocaloid song. What? I need inspiration!


Yandere Simulator [Male!Rivals] x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now