Chapter Nine ✔️

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"Good boy." I pat down his hair. He tried to look up and instantly knew that he was gong to argue with me but I pushed his head back down. The smell of his cologne intoxicated the car making me uneasy. His hair had a combination of roughness and smoothness and I couldn't help but touch his hair. I lightly pull his hair. I shouldn't be thinking about this.

"What-" He looked up at me and I realized that our faces were really close to one another. His face heating up, rosey cheeks and his ears were bright red. I touched his ear and it was really hot. He looked cute. A small smile made its way on my face but instantly disappeared. What was I thinking. I dropped my hands and moved back to my seat. This is no good.

"Good luck," I gave him an awkward thumbs up and opened the car door but stopped and turned around.

"Don't worry about the marriage thing, I'll take care of it. Just take care of Sarah okay?" His eyes softened a little and nodded.

"Thank you." He whispered.

I got out of the car and made my way to school. I checked my schedule to find my locker number and what class I have first.

Oh god. It's math. I groaned internally. I absolutely hated math. I grabbed my stuff and made my way towards my classroom. Why would they give math class first thing in the morning. I walked inside the classroom to find Connor and Sarah laughing with their friend group. Of course, they are in my class. Sarah was sitting on his lap, while he had his hands wrapped around her waist. The laughter died down whe they saw me. I gave an awkward smile and sat down.

I just need this period to be over. I looked around for Kylie and she was

Kylie was nowhere to be found. Speaking of the devul she bumped into the teacher spilling iced coffeeaq1'ay and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to!" She said nervously. She continued to apologize until she sat right beside me.

"I was going to let you sit where you all are currently sitting but since my mood is now off-" she stopped and glared at Kylie who slumped down on her chair. "So I will be the one choosing." She said while clapping her hands, making a few students groan.

"Audrey, I don't want to move," Kylie whispered.

"I don't either," I whispered back.

"Audrey can stay,'' she said. Hold on a second how does she know my name without the attendance sheet?

"You, the one who spilled coffee on me, sit behind her," Kylie looked at me and gave me a sad smile.

"Connor, you're sitting next to Audrey and you guy with the big head, sit behind him,'' she said.

Ryder's jaw dropped and said, "I don't have a big head!"

"You do, you look like pearl from spongebob ," Connor said and Ryder slapped the back of his head.

Connor stood in front of the desk.

"Well that's it for now so class-", before she could finish Connor cut her off.

"What about the rest of the class? Aren't you going to move them as well? How do you only know our names and-" as if he realized something, his face hardened. He slammed his backpack on the table making people jolt in shock. He grabbed his phone and called someone.

"Connor, you can't call someone during class", the teacher said. Connor scoffed, glaring he said,"I don't care."

"You will-" he cut the teacher off by talking to whoever he called.

"You did this didn't you?... What? You are lying... you know what... I'm done." He ended the call and sighed. He was about to do something but his eyes met mine which seemed to anger him even more.

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