An Unexpected Escape

Start from the beginning

The galra have gotten even more prisoners for their entertainment. I feel alone though. Has Shiro given up on finding me? What is going to happen to my baby?

~3rd pov~

The cell doors open as the galra soldier walked to Pidge. "Quickly get up we have to leave." He whispered to. "Where are taking me?" Pidge backed up unsure an whether to trust him."I'm part of a rebellion agency against Zarkon the names Jayd (Jaa-id). Please paladin follow me before they find out. I have an escape pod ready." Pidge looks unsure but to the risk to get away. The alarms start to ring loud . Jayd took her arm and ran out the cell. It was hard for pidge to run due to her stomach.

Pidge suddenly felt a big pain go through her lower abdomen as she stopped. Then she felt water go down her legs. Jayd looked at her in realization. He picked her up bride style as she crouched in pain. The galra ran to the pod and quickly got in. They launched of into space but they weren't alone.

Some robot pods followed them, shooting their lasers at them. The escape pod got hit and started to fall into a green looking planet. The galra pods followed them. Jayd tried to soften the landing but a the crash was still a hard hit to the ground. Jayd held unto pidge to make sure she and the baby were safe from the crash.

Pidge hugged her stomach as the pain increased as they pod crashed onto some trees. Jayd got them both out of the pod. Pidge started to bleed from her lower area. Jayd took some emergency things from the pod and quickly left before the galra went to find them.

Jayd found some kind of cave and put pidge against the wall. " They heard the galra right outside of the cave. "They must have followed our footprints." Pidge looked up at Jayd as her face showed a mixture of pain and worry. "I'll lead them away. Just try to be quite I'll find help if I can." He was about to leave when Pidge gets his hand. "Please be careful, and please come back I don't want to be left alone." Jayd looked at her for a second and nodded.

He ran out and a few tick later she heard explosions farther away. The contractions had started to get closer together. Pidge had started to push. "Katie!" Shiro was at the entrance of the cave with Jayd. As soon as he saw it was her he ran to her while he picked her up. "Shiro. You did find me." Pidge was relived that she was back to were she belonged in the arms of Shiro. "Of course, but lets get you to the castle before anything else happens." He ran to where the black lion was.

~Shiro's pov~

We had been looking for Pidge for months. That was until we got a lead that a galra that was undercover had seen her in a prison cell. He was going to take her to take her out. We were all waiting for a response in the control room.

Suddenly, the screen showed the galra that was helping us. "I got the green paladin but our pod crashed. Here is our coordinates. Please hurry she is about to give birth." I quickly ran to the black lions hanger. "Corran send me the coordinates." "Already sent." I went as fast as I could to the planet.

I landed the lion and got out; founding the galra. "Where is she!?" I did not meant to be rude but the fact that she was about to give birth was killing me. "Follow me." I follow him to a cave. "Katie!" I ran to her and picked her up. She had scars all around her body. "Shiro. You found me." I looked down at her face she was sweating. "Of course, but lets get you to the castle before anything else happens." I gave the galra a nod to follow and I ran to the lion.

~3rd pov~(I'm not sure if this part is inappropriate but just in case warning)

Shiro got out of the lion as soon as they got inside. "Quickly take her to her room. I'll handle it from there." Shiro and Allura ran to her room as everyone else was following behind. "Get me a bucket of warm water and a lot of blankets." Shiro put pidge on her bed. Everyone else went to get the thing necessary.

As soon as everything was ready only Shiro and Allura were with pidge inside the room. Pidge was sweating as she was told to push by Allura. Shiro was on the bed behind pidge as she leaned on him at the same time holding his prosthetic hand. He was whispering things in her ear to calm her down a bit.

"I can see the head! You'r doing great just keep pushing." Allura was in between pidge's leg waiting for the baby. "AAAHHHH!" Pidge was screaming really loud feeling like giving up. That was until she gave one last push and she heard it.

A babies cry was heard in the room.

Allura cleaned the baby and wrapped it in a blanket. She passed the baby to pidge. "It's a boy." Shiro looked down at the little bundle in happiness. The baby was the exact same replica of the dad aside from the eyes.

Pidge laid back as she relaxed a bit, once the baby was asleep. Shiro was happy that his child was safe along with Pidge. Out of nowhere, the pain in Pidge's stomach came back. Allura's eyes widen.


Everyone was outside the door waiting for the new member of team voltron. "D-Do you think something went wrong." Hunk was starting to get worried. "Lets hope not. She is strong." Lance was next him calming him down. Coran was counting the time. Keith was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. They all looked up when the door opened.

Shiro came out with a two bundle in his arm.


okay so I have been busy with school and personal things so I won't be writing as fast as I thought. srry. T^T

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