Regina and Ira chapter

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Narrator POV
Ira woke up slowly feeling the cold floor beneath him. Ira looked around having a headache as he stand up. It was a black room with What him hoped was red paint. Then Ira heard yelling behind the door.
Regina POV
Regina:Who have who in their.
Bel: I thought?
Regina: You thought. Your thought to get on of the Glitter Force friends. You thought it was a good idea. I trying to you are making it so hard.
I walked to Ira cell but Bel hold me hand.
Bel: Why do we have to change.
Regina: and do you have to be stupid.
Bel: That's is because of your new girlfriend.
Ok now I was pissed. I zipped with dark energy make it the wall behind us.
Regina:Don't you dare to about Maya like that.
I turned my head back to the door opening it slowly.
Regina opened the door give me a light smile.
Ira:Why am I here .
Regina:It's was a mistake I'm sorry.
Ira:What is this place.
Regina was still smiling letting me out of the dark room.
Regina:This is the TB
Ira: TB I don't understand
Regina: I can't tell you what it means but I can show you around.  
She show me around her secret club.It was for the bad to change to the good.
Regina:I try to help the best I can but sometimes they can't change.
We talked to the door and walked to Maya house.
Regina:I'm still sorry about what happened .
Ira: It's o......
(Thank for reading have a good day or night byyyyeeee)

Me and you ( Rachel and Ira)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن