Rory proldem

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Rachel POV
I walked in each room trying to find my blue little friend.
Rachel: Rory you ok
Rory: I don't want to talk to you right now.
I followed the voice of my friend seeing he was in the the second guest room. I knocked on the door slowly waiting for a response.
Rachel:May I come in
Rory:No you can't.What part of I don't want to talk to you do you not understand!
Rachel:Rory please can I came in.
I was a no talking for a second then he answered.
I opened the door slowly walking in to sit next to him on the bed.
Rory: Why him.
I didn't know what to say to that but I tried my best to put it in sentence.
Rachel:Rory look I don't even know the answer to that, but I know that I like him and he likes me.
Rory: Rachel that's the most stupidest thing that came out your mouth.
I was ... well surprised at his word choice .
Rory:Rachel I'm am sorry but I I don't know if I have to spell it out for you but he is your enemy.
Rachel:Rory I'm sorry but.....
He put his paw on my mouth looking me in the eye.
Rory:E-N-E-M-Y .
I started get a little frustrated with him at his rude comments. I stand now walking to the door turning my head saying my final words.
Rachel:I'm glad your happy for me .
I slammed the door walked to the kitchen getting some water. This relationship is going to be harder then I thought I thought has I opened my bottle. Then Ira walked in smiling at me with me smiling back.
I glad I'm doing it with him.
(Thank for reading have a good day or night bbbbyyyyeee)

Me and you ( Rachel and Ira)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt