final adieu

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Hi loves!

This is Artgirl's author's note, probably the last. I shall post a q & a soon!

If you've read the Paperweight series, you probably can deduce an idea of who I am as a person. My heart, my soul, my thoughts about everything are in that book. You know how most of the time, when people start writing, they write about themselves or about what they know?

Well, Zoey is a lot like me. I'm also a lot like Artgirl's Nico. Soft, careful and having lots of love to give to the world. The world of Mailboy & Artgirl is one I've always loved going to. It has been with me when I was a smol fifteen year old having existential thoughts about the world, worrying too much and when I became an eighteen year old adult, often too anxious and worried about my grades to have time to write.

The Paperweight series was written for those who are a little broken on the inside. For those who believe in love but won't seek it, for those who see magic in people, for those who know that their place in the world is small, but oh so significant. You know how we look at stars and see them as a wink in the sky, but their existence is so important to making the sky better?

Mailboy was a story about teenagers meeting love and choosing to walk in the other way. Artgirl was about adults who figured out the rhythm of love. Love isn't a fairy tale, it isn't a picture perfect story and it doesn't always last right away. It takes time, it ages gracefully.

More than anything, I found it important to show how the happiest people can meet sadness and have it stay around for a while. Zoey being the prime example. She fell into a depression that spread all around her heart like a cancer. But she healed. And that's what I want you to take from this!

Loving yourself takes time. Truly loving yourself. It takes love towards your own self to truly heal and be ready to love someone else. That's my take on it, anyway. I'm still figuring it out, I just hope it will treat me as kindly as Zoey's treated her.

They aren't stories about the "bad boy and the good girl" or about teenage romance, it's about resurfacing from what always brings you down: heartbreak, tragedy, dissatisfaction, anxiety, depression.

I don't know if I'll do an epilogue, because I think their story has wrapped up quite nicely, but I could probs tell you what I think happens to the characters later in life. Comment here if you'd like that!

Thank you for your patience with me, I appreciate it endlessly.

love, yas

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