Hello from the other side

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Zack POV
It was a normal day like any other. I haven't seen Joe for a long time. He's in Idaho and I'm in Texas. I really want to visit him but I have videos to make. We only get to see each other through a small screen. I wish I could be there with him on the other side but I can't teleport. I'll try to visit him on his birthday if I can. When we first met, it was nothing. Now that I've fallen for his charms. I can't think of anything else but him. Everything comes up Joe.


I miss my friend, Zack, we have been friends for about 19 years. He lives in Texas and I live in Idaho, even though I can just drive/fly over there, but I'm busy with other stuff. The only thing we can contact by is by our electronics, after talking to him for a while, I feel like we could have a pretty good relationship. To be honest, I don't know why I haven't visited him. I'm usually free but I guess there's something holding me back.

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