Act 3: Unusual: Time Wipes it all... All about HER

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        The sunlight's rays drifted through the window holes of Ching's room, as she sets her pet chicken's meal she called Goh Rhong Resto for special noodles. Then a knock on their door made her jump for a moment. Wishing that the person she wishes to see appears at the front porch of their house with the delivery. She excitedly opened the door with broad smile but what she saw was Goh Rhong's top chef, Ho. Her smile slightly became a little bit weaker, and handed her payment as she took her special udon

        "Here's your special noodles with spicy chilli toppings, young lady.",he said smiling at the lonely girl. Ching look up and took the noodles as she exchange it with the amount of the noodles, "Thank you chef Ho!!", a forceful smile curled from her lips as the chef waves "good day". She waved back before closing the door in a smug face, "Pucca where are you? We miss you so much...", she mumbled as she open up her noodles. It has been two years since Pucca have been missing, according to Abyo's father ,a police officer of Sooga, they have made contact with some coast guards from nearby islands. But there wasn't any trace of bandits or suspicious voyagers across the Ocean of India nor even in other sea surfaces across the world.

        The shrine priest and han kami, Master Zu have been gone for quite sometime now. That time was before the kidnap in the Garu's training grounds. Garu have been talking with villagers like a simple citizen and not a ninja either. Abyo on the other hand, didn't bother challenging his former ninja buddy, because he is busy with his own terms and that is to be with his girlfriend. Without noticing the time, the stripped guy on his bed looked somehow sluggish as he grudgingly jumped out of bed, feeling his stomach grumbling. "Man, I'm hungry.. What time is it?", raising his right hand as he scanned his wristwatch, his eyes widened and at the same moment a doorbell made him trip in surprise and hurry. "Damn, she's gonna be mad at me...", he uttered as he put on his pants and jacket, a voice from outside made him turn, "Abyo are you there?", the sweet voice of a girl called, and started to knock again, he exclaimed hurriedly, "Right coming, babe!!",putting on his shoes.

        As he hurriedly opened up their house door, he curled into an awkward smile, "Good Morning Ching, my babe!",he said brightly to the girl in a peachy dress and a sided hair with curly ends. Feeling that he might get slapped or get kicked, he slowly look directly at his girlfriend's eyes. "Hey sweetie, aww you look messy come here.. Let's fix your collar, I understand you have been training last night... But take it easy... did you take a bath?", sniffing at Abyo, she sighed and shook her head in disbelief. "Come here you... the movie is gonna start in 3 hours so you have still time to get ready... Now chop-chop Abyo you need to look neat...", she said teasingly at her boyfriend. He suddenly ruffled his head as he gawked at her smiling angel. "Uh man I guess I have to or they'll think I'm just the henchman of my beautiful angel", he said in a surrendering tone.

        "Now now... hurry up I'm going to take Garu instead..", she said jokingly at her distracted lover. He groaned, "Don't dare..", he warned her with a jealous glare, "Hey I'm only joking cutie!! haha you know I won't take my best friend's first love..",she said noticing what she said, the phrase 'best friend's first love' ....... shaking her head she pushed Abyo into his bathroom. After a few seconds she sit up and read one of Abyo's Judo books. "Pucca i miss you so much girl!! where have they taken you ??",she sighed inside her thoughts as she hugs a pillow from her side.

        Meanwhile, along the mob in the roads of Sooga Village, a young man have been walking around examining every corners of the streets. He wore a simple black shirt and  Judo pants, every girl in town keep turning their heads just by his presence. His hair is cut short than his usual long hair being tied up when he wears his training gear. "Kyaaaaah! isn't that Garu? Wow he's always smexy!! No wonder Pucca fell for him instantly.. His face awww! Too bad he quit being our Village Ninja Protector.", some girls say that as the young man ignores them while entering Goh Rhong Restaurant. "Please Garu be mine!!"-------------------------"No be mine!!"-------------------

        "Jeez you've changed a lot these passed two years too huh, Garu?", a guy with a hood and a scar on his face approached him. "Well, what else can we do? Sooga have been progressing without any trouble from people here nor even ninjas roaming all over the town. You have changed a lot more than I do Tobe.. Where are Hazu and your gang?",Garu said in an inquiring tone.

        "The usual they keep on training and teaching some kids self defense... You know it's kinda unusual that supernatural forces doesn't conflict our daily living as simple citizens. Oh hey how about a drag race on a motor? Rin Rin gave all the ninjas some bikes after she left with her former dishwashing boyfriend...", Tobe said in a challenging grimace. "You're on.. what time?", Garu agreed and shook hands with his former enemy, which is now one of his simple fighter friends. "8 pm tonight, Sooga Volcano Cliff. So that we can have some ninja freestyles too haha", Tobe said enthusiastically, "Dude if you win I'll pay for your noodle meal tomorrow. and if I win you will be the one responsible for my meal tomorrow too",he said. "Yeah, yeah ready your pockets I'm sure I'll win the race", Garu said patting good bye at Tobe. "Right back at ya", Tobe chuckled as he waved bye at his bud.

        "It has been two years many things have happened when you got abducted, Pucca.. It feels unusual not having you here. Even Master Zu is gone and you know I have made a lot of buddies.. But it would have been better if you were here. The one who gives thrilling moments in this village the one who have rescued me from death even though I felt humiliated... It feels unusual that this village. This Sooga Village(Now known as Oriental Reef Town) I've ever been grown up, turned into one quiet and ordinary town. An island with nothing but normal citizens with normal lives. The trademark of Sooga Island being one of the places of warriors and fighters had been long gone. Ever since Master Zu and Pucca gone missing.. Not only that every supernatural beings who have stayed here for passed centuries they left the island." in Garu's mind these words keeps flowing from his thoughts, as he walks inside his garage and took his motorcycle to the former Fire Village of Natsu no Kami, which is now known in this present as Volcano Cliff...

        It may sound like the similar places of Oriental Reef Town's whole isle, but only the former ninjas knew it. And one of those former ninjas were, Garu Kamikazen, and Tobe Hienratsu.

        It's different from those passed years where the tradition of Sooga lived on, but now.. With those two years, many things, unexpected things. That this era, have come to its time where all of those people who were part of the Shieten-Era no Han Kami period of Sooga.. have been dissolved.

        "It feels unusual that our island have changed for the passed two years don't you think?", Tobe said to Garu..

        "You bet... Ready?", Garu said... "Damn.. having a life like this I can't explain it... I can't stand this.. ",Garu thought in his mind in a dismayed feeling.

................................ "I don't want to forget you!! I don't want to become unusual like these people... But what can I do, this isn't the life I have thought of when you got abducted... PUCCA... Where are you?"...................................................................................... "I don't want time to take you away from me I miss you please come back to me... my beloved PUCCA" ............................................

        As he puts on his helmet he looked up at the shining moon as he noticed the fading image of the girl in his mind.... As he blink for a second that figure in his mind vanished and the only thing he saw was the image of the shining moon,


I can't stand myself.... I miss Pucca where are you in my thoughts. Where are you??

Garu misses that girl who have been long missing...

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