Only she can make me feel heaven!

"He's a jerk right?" I said, recalling how I avoided her.

"No, you can't call him that. Only I can" she said, sniffing in my chest while my hands were around her waist.

Can this girl be anymore cute?

"Why? He made you suffer so much, he ignored you so much and yet you are defending him?" I asked.

"Yes, he did. But he can do that only to me" she said confusing me.

"Only he had the right. Only he can hug me wherever mad whenever he wants. Only he can scold me, only he can ignore me, only he can make me smile, only he can kiss me on my cheeks, only he can love me more than anyone else. Only he has all rights over me" she said, snuggling closer to me.

I pulled her towards me and made her sit on my lap.

"Why only him?" I asked when she kept her head on the crook of my neck, holding my nape. I closed my eyes, feeling her warmth and her sweet fragrance.

Why is this so comfortable?

"Because I love him" she said and I shot my eyes open.

My angel loves me?

My Shweta loves me?

"What? You love him?" I asked, grinning like an idiot.

I cupped her face to make her look straight at my face but she kept hugging me close.

"Shweta" I called her.

She suddenly pushed me aside and stood up from the bench.

"You idiot" what's wrong?

She held my collar again on anger.

"What does he think of himself huh?" She roared.

"What do you mean? First calm down and tell me what exactly happened. I might be of any help" I tried to calm her down by patting on her cheeks.

"How dare he ignore me? I'm his sweetheart. He's supposed to love me, pamper me, cuddle me, hug me and kiss me. But what is he doing now? He's ignoring me? How dare he? I'm gonna kill him" he gripped my collar tightly in her fist, making me stand up. Her eyes truly meant what she said. She's very angry and I'm responsible for it.

"Shweta, calm down. He might have his reasons. Do don't do anything stupid. It's not what you think like" I consoled her.

"Of course, I know he has a reason to avoid me. I'm not stupid to judge my sweetheart so fast. But why doesn't he want me to know about it? Why doesn't he talk to me about it? Why isn't he including me in his everything? Am I not his love?" Suddenly her face fell, and my heart crushed.

Her mood swings, her temper, her emotions! I'm controlling her so much! I'm involved in her, in her life as much as she's involved in mine.

I'm so happy today!

I never know she'll tell me what I wanted to hear since years, in this state, at this hour, in this place.

But still, she's upset because of me. I must do something.

"Hmm Shweta, wh..."

"Let's go" she cut me off.

"Where?" I asked as she started pulling me.

"To that idiot. I can't take this anymore. Everything around me is so frustrating" she said cutely, pulling her hair. She's totally mad.

'She's mad because of you idiot' my brain taunted.

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