"Nice to see you bro. I missed you," Nick smiled as we entered the house.

We walked inside and Noah came in the room with the girl that was on Brandon's snap. We hugged Noah and awkwardly looked at the girl. Well Angie, I believe was her name according to Rose's angry speech a while ago.

"Oh guys this is Angelica but call her Angie. She's Brandon and I's best friend. We grew up together," Noah introduced and she smiled sweetly.


"Edwin. You the shorty on Brandon's snap?"

"Yes i am-"

"UUUUUU stay clear of Rose," Nick laughed and Zion burst out laughing.

"That would be smart," I laughed while Noah covered his face laughing as well.

"And why am i staying clear of Rose? Thats the girl Brandon likes correct?" she asked crossing her arms offended.

"Yes it is and she's not a fan of you-"

"And we're not either but..." i mumbled cutting Nick off and Zion just laid on the floor staring at the ceiling covering his mouth.

"Hey can yall find a chill?" We turned around and saw Austin standing in the doorway.

"Austin!" the guys yelled attacking him with hugs.

"Hold up! First of all i have nothing against nor did anything to this Rose. And you guys dont even know me so why is it that youre not a fan?" Angie asked. Ok shorty got an attitude. What is good with Brandon and she-devils?

"Listen doll, Brandon kissed Rose before tour and he hasnt spoken to her since and all of a sudden hes tweeting about going out with you and snapping you all day. Shes hurt," Zion said getting to his feet.

"Well that sounds like a Brandon and Rose issue. I was being there for my friend. And if this Rose girl has a problem with that and she decides to start something stupid in a time we're supposed to be helping Brandon then she really aint gonna be a fan of me. I grew up with Brandon and was constantly around his dad and its not the time for me either," she spat and we looked at her seriously.

"Alright imma step out and breathe cuz Rose is definitely my best friend so you guys answer nicely before she aint a fan of me. Carry on," Zion laughed stepping outside.

"Listen love. We're just protective over her feelings. YOU dont know here her heart is and mind so all due respect.. lose the attitude. I understand where you're coming from though and im sorry for your loss as well," Austin said quickly before anyone else said anything.

"I apologize for coming out strong my emotions are kinda crazy right now. And thank you," She sighed looking down.

"Lets go."


I was at the funeral place.

I was the only one here. I stood outside and thought about every moment i had with my dad. From him teaching me how to ride a bike and beating my ass when he caught me cutting class in junior high. Never cut school again. I also remembered every moment he wanted to spend time with me and i was too caught up in my life to do so. And i regret it. Losing him is killing me and knowing his body is currently inside is messing with my head.

A van pulled up and the guys climbed out. I immediately felt a rush of emotions run through me and they came to me instantly. We did a group hug and i felt my eyes water. No Brandon. We're not doing this. This can be blackmail one day.

"I cant believe you guys came to freaking Texas for me. Knee brace and all," i laughed pointing at Nick's knee.

"Of course!" Nick laughed twisting his leg left and right.

"Why wouldnt we?" Austin replied smiling brightly.

Edwin wrapped his arm around me and said, "We're here man. We're gonna get through this together."


The boys made way for Angie and i smiled. She left last week and wasn't sure if she was going to make it due to college starting again. I smiled wide and she ran to me. I wrapped my arms around her and felt myself relax more.

"You're here man," i smiled as we rocked back and forth.

"Of course. I had to suck up a little but i made sure to make it B. Its Pops," she sighed with her voice shaking.

A car pulled up and i released her holding onto her waist. The door opened and Rose came out. Looking beautiful as ever. A month and a week and my heart is still racing the way it always does when she's around.

She closed the door and her eyes met mine instantly. She looked at Angie, down at my hand around Angie's waist and i mentally cursed at myself.

Perfect timing.

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