Chapter Seven ✔️

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"I know about the marriage, Audrey, why didn't you tell me, huh? He told me two months ago when he found out, the question is why didn't you?" She yelled angrily. I was at a lost of words.

I took a deep breath and told her. "Sarah, I didn't know about the marriage until today. I was planning on fixing it first and then I was going to tell you because I didn't want to worry you. You have to believe me Sarah-" I stopped when she laughed.

"No, you fucking knew. I mean why else would your summer be good, right? You probably knew longer than Connor and you decided to keep it a secret because you like him. I bet once you found out that you were going to marry Connor you were happy and excited and you didn't want to break the marriage." She said bitterly.

"That's not true-," she scoffed and cut me off.

"You want to know something funny? When Connor told me that he was getting married to a girl named Audrey. I never thought it would be you. It never crossed my mind because you always tell me what's on your mind. But when he told me your name, Audriana Anderson, I still couldn't believe it because deep down I thought that it was someone else. Today you confirmed it yourself. He told me two months ago. Each day I waited for you, I would call you, talk about Connor, hoping that you would tell me. I guess you didn't because you were busy preparing for your dream wedding, right?"

"No, Sarah you are wrong-"

"Oh my god! It's all makes sense now. The only reason why you wanted to be my friend is so that you could get close to Connor. I fucking knew that we shouldn't have been friends, a part of me always told me that you weren't a good person. Your a fucking joke. Me being the charitable person I am, I ignored the thoughts of you being a whore-ible person. Get it because your a whore. So now I know, and I promise you I won't make the same mistake again. I should have listened to myself and ended this friendship a long time ago. I thought we were bestfriends for so many years, but that's all gone now because of your fucking jealousy." I tried to grab her hand but she pulled away and laughed at me.

"Jealous? I have never been jealous of you Sarah. How could you even say that? I have always wished for your happiness. I never looked at Connor like that. I would never do that to you. I swear I didn't know about the marriage until today. As soon as I found out, I went to my grandfather. He wasn't listening to me no matter how much I told him I didn't want to get married. He ignored me. I was going to fix all this so you wouldn't have to worry about anything and-"

"Oh shut up now. Oh I am Audrey. I'm soo innocent. I can never do anything wrong. I just want to be loved. No one loves me. My mom and dad don't love me. I just want all the attention,"she mocked.

"Like god, do you hear yourself sometimes, like shut the fuck up, you attention seeking bitch. And you know what? Your parents are right your a worthless piece of shit. You don't deserve happiness. You don't deserve anything nice at all and you know what? I can't do this anymore. This friendship is done," she said as she pointed towards the door.

"Sarah. Please, this is all just a misunderstanding I promise you I will break this marriage," she ignored me and said, "Get out of my fucking room, whore, or else I will kick you out myself."

I walked out of the room. I held in my sobbs as I stumbled down the stairs. How could this have happened. I need to fix this. Right now she needs to be alone. I should go home.

I make my way towards the door only to open it to the person who ruined my life.

Connor looked surprised to see me, but I don't care. I just wanted to leave but he blocked my way.

He asked me the same question he did before, "How do you know Sarah Carter?"

"Again, with that question. Please move," I said. Just then I heard the sound of glass shattering making me to flinch.

"You fucking bitch. I wish I never met you! Go die you lying whore. I hate you!" I closed my eyes sighing as I soaked the words in. I opened my eyes only to find Connor staring at me.


A box filled with my stuff had almost hit me. I walked toward the box and picked up the bracelet that I made her eleven years ago. She continued to throw stuff outside and I continued to look at the stuff that she had thrown out. Letters, toys, all of our memories now lied beneath our feat.

After a while I was stopped from grabbing the box. Sarah grabbed my hand and pushed me away, causing me to fall onto Connor. He grabbed my arm, preventing me from falling. My head was against his chest and I looked up at him to see him staring at me. I quickly got out of his hold and straightened myself up. Sarah poured gasoline on the box and grabbed the lighter, turned around, and made eye contact. My breathing is getting heavier by the minute. This isn't happening, this is all just a dream there is no way Sarah would ever do this to me.

"Now it's over." Just like that she said goodbye to our eleven years of friendship. She threw the lighter onto the box. Before the flames went all over Connor grabbed Sarah and pulled her away before she could hurt herself.

The flames grew by the minute making me take a step back.

"Sarah, what the fuck are you doing! Have you lost your mind?" Connor yelled.

"No, I haven't," she chuckled. The laughs had gotten louder and louder as the flames grew. I watched the fire spread but Chloe came out of nowhere and stopped the fire from spreading.

"Chloe, take Sarah inside, I'll take care of this," Connor said. Chloe nodded and walked cautiously around the fire and motioned Sarah to go with her. I looked away and pulled my hair as I watched the fire slowly drift away. Wiping my tears, I made my way toward the box. I picked up the box but let it go right away as I felt my hands burn. The fire wasn't completely gone but that didn't stop me.

"What the hell do you think you're doing? You both are fucking insane." Holding my tightly he pulled me away from the box. I yanked my arm from his hold and tried to go towards the box again.

"Is the fire pretty? Get back here," common sense didn't matter. She is still my best friend. Just when I was about to reach out for the box again, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me back to his chest.

"You are going to hurt yourself." He yelled. I struggled against his hold. I scratched, kicked, and pulled, but he didn't budge.

"But the box," I choked out. My heart ached as I watched the smoke come out of the box. I tried to get out of his hold but it only tightened. Everything was in the box from the past eleven years our life. My eyes burned, staining my face, engraving the pain that I was feeling as I watched the box slowly burn away. It's all gone. I stopped struggling and wiped the tears with the back of my sleeve.

"I'll give you the box tomorrow," he said softly.

"What box... It's all gone now..." I said as I looked at the box.

"It's not. I'll fix it. I promise," I turned around and looked at him to see whether he was telling the truth or not and he was.

"I'm going to let you go now, okay?" I nodded. His eyes were laced with concern. I turned around and looked at the box once again and made my way back home.

"Happy Birthday Audrey," I whispered to myself.


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