♜ adronitis ♜

295 20 2

n. frustration with how long it takes to get to know someone—spending the first few weeks chatting in their psychological entryway, with each subsequent conversation like entering a different anteroom, each a little closer to the center of the house—wishing instead that you could start there and work your way out, exchanging your deepest secrets first, before easing into casualness, until you've built up enough mystery over the years to ask them where they're from, and what they do for a living.

»»————- contents ————-««

0 desolate hearts

1 deceased

2 empty fields

3 midnight

4 h2 love you

5 jonathan

6 galactic wonders

7 nature

8 capture me

9 perfect

10 lustful

11 residue

12 lemonade

13 delayed

14 cresent love

15 bedroom

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