"Prepare myself for what? Spit it out," he demanded and Chris looked down.

"Your leg injury isn't severe but you do need surgery. And its a risky one at that. Its even more riskier not getting the surgery at all. However, the surgery.. depending on how well you react to it, you should be able to proceed normal activities. But... If your body doesn't react as well as its supposed to be you may be limited to what you can do-"

"Ma'am hes a dancer-"

"Yes. That may not be a possibility after this surgery. Im sorry. So prepare for the worst," the nurse said cutting of Chris and the room went silent.

Nick released my hand and covered his face. Chris walked out quickly with his hands on his head. Jewel went outside to comfort him and i sat on the hospital bed. I rubbed his shoulder and i felt tears ready to pour out.

"Rose. I cant. This isnt real. Rose dancing is my life- i- i cant give that up," he spat erupting in tears.

"I know love. I know. Just think positive. I have faith you'll be ok," i replied hugging him and kissing his head.


"Where is he?!"

I turned around and saw a worried Edwin. He kissed my lips quickly and i pulled him into Nick's room. Nick was currently sobbing into Rose's chest. Edwin walked next to him and put a hand on his arm. Nick looked up and wiped his tears.

"Bro whats going on? Why you crying?" Edwin asked biting his lip in nerves. He was swaying a little and he was sweating just a little bit.

"I might not be able to dance Ed. Im fucking scared," Nick replied.

Edwin raised his eyebrows and covered his eyes. "No way. NO WAY!"

"Baby relax. Nick you're going to be fine. I know you are," i sighed.

"Exactly. Lets be positive and pray everything is going to be ok and if it goes to that point then we'll cross that bridge if we get to it," Rose agreed wrapping an arm around Nick.

"They're right Nick. Positive vibes only," Edwin smiled gripping Nick's shoulder.

"Mr.Mara we're ready to take you into surgery," the nurse said walking back in the room. Everyone looked at Nick with a worried look but we gave him reassuring smiles as fast as possible. We have to be strong for him.

"See you when you get out buddy. We'll be waiting right here. Then we can go freestyle alright?" Edwin smiled patting his back. Nick smiled at him and they did their handshake.

My phone vibrated and it was Zion who texted the group chat.

Zion: Brandon really got me on my knees praying bro. I havent prayed in years on some real shitttttttttt LMFAO

Austin: Tell him to pray for your ass next

Rose: ^^^


Jewel, Edwin, Chris and i were in the food court eating pizza waiting for Nick to get out of surgery. No one said anything. It was a heavy silence.

My phone vibrated and i saw another Unknown call. I got up from my seat quickly and picked p the call.

Me: Andrew stop-

Unknown: One by one. Messed with the wrong people.  Who's next?

The line went dead and my heart began racing again. I turned around and looked at the guys. This isnt happening.


I played with Jewel's hair while she sat on my lap quietly eating her pizza slowly. It was the longest wait of my life. First Zion. Then Brandon. Now Nick. It was to much for the band to take back to back.

"I love you," Jewel whispered kissing my cheek.

I kissed her face randomly as she giggled lightly and i said, "I love you more."

She continued eating her pizza and i felt my phone vibrate. I got a text from an unknown number and i opened it.

Unknown: Riddle me this... Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies. What is it when its more than just a friendship? Need a hint? I know two people who will know!

[Download Attachment]

I clicked on the attachment and saw Zion holding Jewel. She was crying and he was kissing the top of her head. It was at an airport... I quickly went to Zion's instagram and saw that the outfit he had on the day he arrived at Brandon's is the same as the outfit in the picture. But Jewel said they had an argument...

And they definitely dont look pissed at each other. Unless they made up before he left and that'll explain it.

"Babe?" i said as calm as possible.

"Yea baby?"

"Did you and Zion make up?" i asked and she looked away. And it was the look on her face that got to me.

"No we didnt."

And thats what i thought.

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