love, lady luck.

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2016.20.03. Entry #577 — the curtains closing.

It was a good day.

You woke up to him snuggling you for warmth and safety. You remember staring at his sleeping face—it was like he was in the perfect place where he wanted to be in his dreams (you knew that once he read this, he'll definitely have something romantic to say so prepare yourself for that). His lips was curled up in a small smile. He looked peaceful and happily contented.

Perhaps it was because of his dream, or because he had the chance to be with you for two consecutive nights. Times like these rarely happened. You wondered why the management had suddenly allowed him to sleepover someplace else, but he only dismissed the subject by, of course, shutting you up with a kiss. You liked it. So you didn't press on the topic any longer. Who needed logical reasons when you could just focus on his sweet lips, yeah?

As much as you didn't want to ruin his nice slumber, you had to wake him up.

It was a good day.


Had you known things would turn out to be full of morose by the end of the day, you would've persuaded him to tell you the reason why he preferred sleeping in your bed despite holding a massive concert the next day. There were more opportunities to kiss him, you should've chosen to listen to him instead. It was too late when you realised that that was what he was gonna need at the time.

You would've let him continue his sleep if only you knew what was gonna happen later. You should've paid attention to his actions. You should've made him laugh more in the remaining time he had before they started preparing to get on the stage. You didn't know he was gonna need it all for tonight.

It all went south when he came back to your apartment from their celebratory party for a successful world tour.

He was plastered. And he was a crying mess. The complete opposite of how he looked this morning. Fresh, calm, and peaceful. How did they turn into forlorn, miserable, and a broken heart?

"Baby," you breathed out before you ran to catch him as he was about to fall onto his knees. "Oh Jongdae... baby... what happened?"

There were so many questions racing haphazardly through your head. Everything went well, right? Their three-day concert were successful. You were there in all those days, you knew everything was amazing. They were finally done with their world tour. He even woke up with bright smiles and butterfly kisses from you.

All was well.

But where did it all go wrong?

Then again you regretted even asking the moment he lifted his head and looked at you in pure despondency to answer all your questions in your head. Even in between his sobs, he managed to say it coherently that there were no excuse for you not to be able to comprehend his words..

"We're disbanding. It's over. EXO is over."

His heart was breaking. And so was yours.

lady luck.



The second installment of Oh Sehun's Child side stories.


[haven't gotten the chance to switch to my laptop but this prologue is dedicated to my saengie, ricci. just in case you happen to check this out before I properly dedicated this to you. hehe.

will possibly be written in english.
update starts few chapters before osc's ending.
written in 2nd person's, so Kiko Mori is you, again. yay.
will be tackled here what happened to EXO before & after their breakup.
still in need of feedbacks whether I should continue this or nah.
so please leave a comment. :-(

that's all.
please take care of me (and this fic).
this isn't gonna be as angsty as I made the prologue to be I promise.]

posted on the 30th of january 2018.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2018 ⏰

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