Chapter 15 - the time is now

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as the night progressed on the more frustrated Alexa and Fp became staring at each other wanting to be wrapped up in each other but being confined to a table with their clothes on and many judgemental people sitting next to them watching but not noticing the seductive glances they sent each other now and then the girl teasing him occasionally biting her matte rose coloured lips knowing it would make him hungry for her until jughead ended the awkward silence "Super-delicious, Mrs C." and fp thought it was only right to compliment her food "Sure is, AliceBeen a long time since I ate something that didn't come in a combo meal or a snack pack."alice being the manipulative person she was she questioned him "So, FP" " Mmm." "Betty tells me that you're working for Fred Andrews now.How do you balance that with all of your other responsibilities? You mean like being a father? - And being a part of the Southside community." betty butted in "Mom." she glared at her then alexa spoke up "i mean it was his life choice he is a big boy after all" he let out a faint smile "I'm not ashamed.And it's not just me, there's a bunch of us working on Fred's site." she scoffed "So, if you don't mind me asking, I mean, I'm just curious, how did you make your living before that? " "I scraped by.Odd jobs." she looked over to jughead "I know that you worked for the drive-in, Jughead, before it was closed.Did you find work there, too, FP? " he laughed a little" Well, hung out a bit.What can I say? I'm a movie buff." alice and olympia both looked at him full of questions "So, tell me, were you upset when Hiram Lodge bought the drive-in land?""stuff happens" olypia now spoke for the first time that night "Let me rephrase that question.Were you surprised? " Alexa sighed "whats with all the questions mom ? "she narrowed her eyes then the door bell rang and betty stood up quickly "i'll get it " a few hellos were exchanged before the mystery guest was brought in it was hal alice and olympia both rolled their eyes "I thought you said she wanted me to be here.""She does.I mean, it is Homecoming after all.And our families should be coming together.Right, Mom?" then Alexa thought it was only polite to say hello to hal "hi uncle hal how have you been" she stood up and hugged him then when they sat down and went back to silence until hal spoke again " i'm hoping maybe you have some vacancies down at Sunnyside. You see, I've been sleeping in my office down at the paper, and it's just getting a little chilly at night."fp laughed "I bet your office beats the trailer park." I wouldn't be so sure. You see, Alice here, she's been redecorating the Register.The other day, she threw a brick through the window." then alice looked as if she was turning red "Is that so? Keep talking, Hal, and the next brick I throw may not be at a window."

Fp tried to change the subject "You remember our Homecoming, Alice? Hal?Olympia? Back in the day? Castles in the Clouds? Your mom ever tell you about that night?"betty replied" Just that she and my dad were king and queen." she smiled and looked at her parents"Yeah, they were.Of hell." jughead rolled his eyes "Dad, please." Fp rubbed his hands together " No, this is a fun story, I promise.Fred and me, we were all set to play at the dance.I was backstage, dropping off our gear when I heard these voices yelling.It was your mom and dad.They were fighting about About I don't know what.But it sounded like life or death." alice snarled "Shut up, FP.""Happy to oblige if you are.I don't care what you think of me, Alice, but don't jerk me around.Not in front of my son." then Alexa thought she would dish some dirt on her mom "so MOM where is david today " she looked at her with such hatred "oh he's on work you know how it it hunny" she dug her nails into her daughters leg causing the girl to flinch and wince in pain putting her hand on top of her mothers and pushed it off but it kept digging deeper all while she had to keep a staight face and not jump on her mother she whispered to her mom "get you hands the fuck off me or watch what happens when we get home mother" she leaned back and looked at Fp letting out a painful smile then to betty who knew what was going on and spoke to stop it from escalating"This was such a nice idea, Mom, but I think it's time that we get to the dance." Alexa was the first to stand up forcing her mother to let go of her leg she felt the sting in her leg from the plastic being in her leg she said "i'm gonna get a ride with Fp and the other two bye " she walked out and got in the truck before they left

"oh hey Alexa what are you doing here i thought your mom was giving you a ride?" she scoffed "you really think i'd let that wicked witch of the west give me a ride look at what the bitch just did to my leg" she pulled up her dress to the small indents that had blood oozing and the one big one where she had scratched her betty already knew "woah i had no idea they were that bad lexi i'm sorry "then jughead looked alarmed"oh my god A are you ok" Fp even looked over to the cuts "no its fine don't worry nothing i haven't handled she puled a knife on me a little while ago" they all sat in silence worried for the girls health then they arrived at the school "be a gentleman to her " Fp said to jughead as he got out the car then betty replied " he always is come on lexi" the other girl replied "i'll be out in a minute i need to talk to Fp about something" then she shut the truck door "i think i caught you staring at that dinner yano " he smirked "how can i not when someone as irresistible as you is sitting in front of me he buried his head in her neck she pulled away "someone might see us you have to wait until later baby" he laughed "i'll be waiting " she got out and walked up to school and enjoyed the dance but after a while she got bored and decided to go to Fp's so slipped out when no one was watching and walked to the southside to the trailer park she walked up the steps and knocked on the door

a few seconds later the door opened to the tall man smirking he pulled her in and shut the door "back so soon?" she smiled "well i got bored and knew where i could come for some fun " " you got that right " he pushed her against the door and kissed her is if it was their last she held his face and smiled into the kiss he led them over to the couch and sat down her straddling him never breaking the kiss he rubbed his hands up and down her thighs she winced and broke the kiss "i'm sorry baby i forgot listen i can have a word with your mom " she shook her head vigorously and continued to kiss him unzipping her dress and letting it fall down her her arms to reveal her bare chest he looked down "damn i got lucky" she smiled and he took it to the next level he lifted up her dress so it was up by her hips he saw she had no underwear on he smirked and unzipped his jeans along with his boxers she bit at his neck and and moaned as they connected with each other the ground their hips on one another to create friction she moaned his name into his neck and he laughed "havin fun there" she just nodded and they continued their fun until they climaxed they both sat there breathing heavily catching their breath "oh my god that was the best " he chuckled then there was a knock at the door she had her arms around his neck she turned around "who the hell is that?" she jumped off him and straightened herself pulling her dress down , zipping up her dress and putting on her shoes she ran to the coat hook and slid the serpent jacket that she had left there when she was ready and sat as if business was being sorted he opened the door

"can i help you sheriff ?" he barged in the trailer to see Alexa sat there innocently"what are you doing here Alexa?" "i'm here on some business sheriff is there a problem?"he nodded " we have a warrant to search this property "he began turning the trailer upside down while Alexa stood by Fp knowing what was going to go down after a few minutes of searching they found a lockbox in his closet "can you explain to me what this is this is the exact same gun that killed jason " he shrugged "I-I-" before he could finish he was bent over the counter top in handcuffs "your under-arrest for the murder of jason blossom " Alexa tried not to let tears spill fro her eyes she had to stay strong "good bye Fp " she smiled and he was taken away she ran out the trailer and watched him be driven away in the back of a cop car she ran down the steps and found his bike she jumped on it and rode to the school jumping off she ran down the halls searching for everyone she found everyone arguing over something she jumped into the conversation just in time

"FP JUST GOT ARRESTED" she panted and everyone looked at her she started crying and fell to the floor she couldn't hold it in anymore and jughead ran to her and whispered "come on lets go " she stood up and jughead led her out where they ran back to the trailer to see the mess made they walked in and jughead broke down crying she sat next to him and hugged him stroking his hair "its ok we're gonna be ok " but he just continued sobbing she had to tell him the truth "jughead i've kept a secret from you " he looked up at her " what my life couldn't get any worse" she sighed "i have been seeing your dad like in a relationship way""maybe it can" he pushed her away "why would you do that he's my dad" she sat sobbing now "i'm sorry jug it just happened and i couldn't control my feelings ""why my dad though any other man but my dad" "i couldn't help it" he sort of smiled through sobs and said "i think i could get used to it as long as im no where near when anything is going on" she ran up to him and squeezed him "thank you jug i love you "they just sat hugging each other thinking of what they would do next

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