Chapter 6- Not My Fault

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"What- where did you hear that?" he says after my fail. Chat didn't react as snarky as usual. Something like, 'Well, my catfans must need me.' or 'I'll paw-tect you My Lady.' or even 'That's paw-ful.'

"I have my ways..." I jump closer to him. His eyes were wide, but didn't seem like he was in shock of the news, he was in shock of the fact that I knew.

But it quickly washes off.

"Don't worry, My Lady... I'll protect you." he says. We're already at the Eiffel Tower. Nothing seems unusual. 

"Let's circle back. It's still pretty early- do you want to go to a bakery or something?" Chat stops jumping and I land beside him. I look up at the stars for a second, taking it all in.

"Ya know, maybe some other time. I really must..."

"Ladybug...." Chat whines and grabs my wrist, "Purr-ty please?"

"Why don't we circle over there and then take a break until 10:30?" I compromise. Chat grins.

"Race you!" he shouts, leaping off into the wind. He flips onto the next building, clearly meaning to show off.

"Oh, YOU'RE ON!" I shout back at him. He replies, "WHAT? CAN'T HEAR YOU- I'M TOO FAR AHEAD!"

I laugh and chase him down. Paris lights start to dim and it grows silent. A few stars shine down on us and street lights give a coral hue to the entire city. 

It's a great view, but I can't let that stop me from beating Chat.

I spring my yo-yo to a destination in front of Chat, cutting him off for a second while leaping in front of him. He yells something at me, but I'm too far ahead. 

Chat races up beside me. I speed on. When we arrive to the end of the street, I bounce almost immediately backwards, performing a triple spin in the process. Boom. I laugh as I soar in the air. Chat bounces a few feet higher than me on his baton.

I finally end up doing one last flip before beating Chat to the Eiffel Tower. I lay down in the field below. Chat nestled beside me. It's not awkward at all, though, the empty silence. It calms me. I forget about Chloe, akuma, and schoolwork for a second. My mind is at ease. Chat sighs next to me. He holds my hand. I don't care though.

It's too much work to move. My eyelids suddenly grow heavier. I don't care anymore.


A bright light shines in my face.

"Tikki?" I grumble, "Where are you?"

I sit up and look at my Ladybug designed suit. Then I remember about last night.


My back aches and I check my yo-yo for the time. 5:43...

I roll to the side and shake Chat violently.

"Chat! CHAT!" I shout in his ears.

"Just give me a second, Nathalie," he mumbles back at me, clearly not awake. Then his eyes jerk open in realization. I giggle, trying to stop thinking about the Nathalie girl Chat's civilian form knows.

"Uh... forget what I just said." Chat stands up and brushes the imaginary dirt off his suit. He stumbles a bit.

"We should probably head ho-" I start. A vicious, evil laugh interrupts me.

"OH COME ON!" I shout at no one in particular. Chat just looks at me and gives me his best smile. I leap off the building, relying solely on muscle memory to keep me alive. Tikki is exhausted, too. She was keeping me transformed all night and I didn't think to bring cookies. This is not good.

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