8: Guess Who's Back

Start from the beginning

Boyf: no one’s putting up with you. You’re our friend, Squip. We care about you.

Reinds: like a lot, so stop doing this to yourself.

At Jeremy’s house, the Squip couldn’t help but hug his host and cry uncontrollably. Jeremy shushed him and told him that everything would be okay. It took a couple of minutes for the Squip to finally calm down, but when he did, he looked confused.

“It’s alright, Squip,” Jeremy ran his fingers through Squip’s hair to help him relax. “Sometimes, you need to have a good cry.”

Squip leaned his head on Jeremy’s shoulder and visibly relaxed, sniffling occasionally.

Boyf: Mikey?

Reinds: where did you guys go??

Boyf: sorry, Squip was crying his eyes out and i think he may need more comfort than just me.


Reinds: i’m on my way.

Back in ‘guess who's back’

TheaterGeek: Jeremy, Michael, and the Squip have been gone for a while. I hope everything's ok…

JakeyD: me too, Christine.

BiArsonist: I'm sure everything's going to be fine.

Reinds has returned to the chat

Reinds: hey, me and Jere aren't coming back.

Reinds: Squip is really upset about what happened.

Reinds: so, we’ll chat later.

BiArsonist: tell him I hope he feels better.

TheaterGeek: yeah me too.

JakeyD: and me.

Reinds: I will. See you guys.

Reinds has left the chat

Michael hurried to Jeremy's house. He opened the unlocked door, quickly greeted Mr. Heere, and hurried to Jeremy's bedroom.

“Hey, I came as fast as I could,” Michael panted. He saw Jeremy and someone who really resembled Keanu Reeves sitting on the bed, the Keanu look-alike looking extremely sad. “Is that the Squip?”

“Yep. He's in his physical, human form so you can see him,” Jeremy explained.

“Oh.” Michael turned his attention to the sniffling Squip and walked over to sit next to the Squip, who was now in the middle. “How are you holding up, buddy?”

The Squip shook his head miserably against Jeremy's shoulder. Michael placed a hand on Squip’s back and rubbed it comfortingly.

“I promise, everything will be okay. You'll look back on this moment and you'll say ‘I wonder why I was so upset over something that isn't even true.’.”

The Squip leaned into his touch. He'd never felt anything like this before. He figured he would be touch-starved since he never really had a chance to use his human form.

“Has he been this quiet the whole time?” Michael asked Jeremy.

“After his crying stopped, yeah. Hasn't said a word,” Jeremy tightened his hold on Squip, but not enough to hurt him.

“Don't feel like talking about it, huh,” Michael sounded heartbroken. “Man, I just...I wanna punch Rich’s Squip so hard right now.”

“Me too.”

“...you don't have to pretend you like me…” Squip said quietly, miserably looking at the ground.

“What? Squip, no one's pretending,” Jeremy stated. “We really do like you.”

“...no, I'm talking to Michael…”

“What? Look, bud, I know you did a lot of things to hurt me and Jeremy. You broke us apart, and I'm still a little pissed about it. But that's in the past and Jeremy came back. Okay? You aren't a failure. Your plan worked, you succeeded. You're a success. We’re friends now, Squip. You're my friend. And friends care about each other. I can't...I don't like seeing you like this, so please...stop hating and doubting yourself. Stop doubting that I hate you, cuz I don't.”

Squip whimpered and looked up at Michael shyly. “You...y-you mean it?”


That's when he lost it and attack-hugged Michael, sobbing on his shoulder.

“I'm sorry.”

“It's all good, bud.”

And the beginning of a beautiful friendship was brewing in that bedroom.


(1023 words)

Happy Valentine's Day. Hope you enjoyed. I don't even know anymore.  Bye

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