Someone in a long, black trench coat was walking in the direction of Connors's office. Miles ran back into the lab and pulled his mask from his bag and wore it on his face.

"Where's your hoodie?" Dil asked.

"I'm going to have to borrow yours. Left mine at the dorm," Miles said and Dil handed his red hoodie over to Miles. Miles wore the hoodie and covered his head with the hood before running out of the lab, heading towards Connors's office.

He heard groans and by the time he got to the office, the guards were unconscious or dead on the floor and the door had been blasted off.

"Shockwave," Miles muttered and rushed into the office. He felt a tingling sensation and jumped aside just in time to avoid being hit with a shockwave.

"You steal tech from a Horizon High shuttle and now you're here to steal from Horizon High directly. What's your game?"

"None of your business."

"Well, it is my business. You put a friend of mine in the hospital," Miles said.

"Oh yeah. The kid had some power in him but he wasn't strong enough to put me down," Shockwave said and chuckled. "Are you?"

"Let's find out." Miles charged at Shockwave and threw a series of punches at an amazing speed. Shockwave managed to dodge a few but Miles landed a few hits with quick succession, sending Shockwave backwards.

"You're fast," Shockwave said and rubbed his jaw. "But I'm here for a reason. And you're not getting in my way."

He threw a punch at Miles but Miles caught his hand and used it to fling him across the lab. "You're overestimating yourself if you think you'll win this fight."

"You speak like we've fought before," Shockwave grunted as he got up. He glared at Miles and clapped his hands together, emitting a radial shockwave that swept Miles clean off his feet and sent him crashing into a wall.

Miles knew the entire school must have felt that and he wondered how long it would be before more guards arrived and helped him.

He groaned as he got up slowly, his body now aching. As soon as he got up, Shockwave dashed towards him at amazing speed and punched him right through the wall and onto the corridor.

"You're just like that kid. Strong, and yet so weak," Shockwave said. "You have no motive for fighting. No reason to live. So all you can do is die."

"I'm not going to die," Miles murmured to himself and fired red electricity at Shockwave, knocking him backwards with it. He got up immediately while Shockwave was still dazed and landed a series of attacks before finally grabbing Shockwave by his right leg and flinging him through the wall.

Shockwave groaned and spat blood out from his mouth and glared at Miles who was now advancing on him menacingly. "You're the kid from the shuttle, aren't you?"

"You bet your stupid ass I am," Miles said and threw a punch but Shockwave caught it and got up.

"You seem to be a bit stronger than you were. But now I'm pissed that you survived the beating I gave you. And I'm gonna have to recreate it."

Miles slammed his head into Shockwave's head, causing Shockwave to let go of him. "You're not getting your hands on the symbiote."

"So you know what I'm here for?"

"I do. You need the symbiote to create some sort of superweapon that could end the world or ensure your dominion. But I've destroyed the symbiote. You're not getting your hands on it ever."

"That's where you done gone wrong," Shockwave said and grinned. "My research shows that the symbiote I'm looking for is practically indestructible. So you have the symbiote in your possession."

Miles could hear footsteps. Modell security robots or guards would soon be here anytime and he didn't want to be caught in the crossfire.

"Give it to me."

Miles fired a burst of red electricity at Shockwave that knocked him backwards but he knew he'd overdone it instantly. The electricity must have touched something incredibly flammable because the entire office exploded, blasting Miles out and into the hallway.

Miles hit the wall hard and fell to the ground in the hallway with parts of his hoodie and jeans already burnt off and his chest was smoking. "That definitely wasn't expected," he groaned and coughed.

He got up and rushed back into the office in hopes that Shockwave had gotten away from the explosion which wasn't exactly a smart move either. The heat was too much and he shut his eyes, moving around blindly so he didn't see the shockwave coming at him. He simply felt the impact that sent him flying through the burning office. He hit a counter and some jars fell onto him, spilling their contents all over him.

"You're dead," Shockwave growled and Miles tried to open his eyes to get a good look at him but he couldn't. Shockwave grabbed his neck and lifted him off the ground.

"You didn't think that explosion would somehow stop me, did you? I have armor. And training. You're just some pesky little do-gooder in a hoodie."

"You're not getting the symbiote."

"I'll raze this school to the ground if I have to. I'm not leaving without the symbiote."

"You're not leaving at all!" Miles yelled and grabbed Shockwave's hands and released a significant electrical current that definitely left him stunned and dazed.

Miles punched around blindly and his fist connected with Shockwave's face, sending him backwards. From the sound of glass shattering, Miles knew that Shockwave had hit a counter.

Even with his eyes closed, Miles could somehow still feel where everything was now that he'd taken a moment to adjust. When Shockwave charged at him, he'd expected it so he grabbed him midair and hurled him at a wall. Shockwave crashed through the wall and out of the office.

Miles ran after him and opened his eyes the moment he was out of the office and found Shockwave on the ground unconscious.

"Gotcha," he said and coughed. The footsteps were just around the corner now so Miles shut his eyes tight and went invisible but he stuck around to watch as some of the guards hurried to put the fire out and the others grabbed Shockwave and dragged him off to custody.

He was getting the hang of this superhero stuff already.

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