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After hearing of the monster attack Dominic and I went to investigate, but the journey was long so we stocked up on supplies and we needed an army. Meanwhile Dominic was out Sophie asked if she can speak with me in private. I was fine with it and agreed to her request. Sophie lead me to a room and asked me to sit down

she then said " Benjamin please I beg you not to bring Dominic to war , I fear he may die "

I then replied to her saying" Sophie this is not my choice it's Dominic's"

Sophie then said " you his best friend and you can convince him not to go" but I disagree with this I then said" Sophie, as you husband's best friend I have to respect choices like these, this is not my fight, and I am not the king, I do not make decisions like these I help you kingdom in its time of need, if Dominic wishes to go and die like a warrior that is his choice" . Sophie replied in tears "please don't let him go you go your immortal you won't die" . I replied saying "Dominic has a God slayer blade that may be able to kill me and I feel sickness so I may be killable either way I can't do this with out him they may capture me and experiment on me and produce Godly monster's" . Sophie looked pissed she stormed out of the room I the event to look for Marcus to take him out for a walk. Marcus was with jade she was reading and Marcus was playing with his toys. Marcus is 7 months and he was pretty chubby,like most baby's jade looked beautiful as always. Her jet black hair she was average height and slim build she was 23 and had a kid I kind felt bad but it's better this was so Marcus can move out when we are in our 30's , less stress told jade I was taking Marcus out for a walk she said it was fine. so we when out and. I walked the stone streets and went to the new district for the tribe that move in the went from leather tents to stone homes, I went to talk to the chief of this district. It was the same chief of the village but only thing was he filed reports to the king Dominic about the district and Dominic gives him permission to fix stuff like the roads. So when I entered his home it was not only bigger but nice than the rest. He came to me with open arms he then said "Benjamin nice to see you, I haven't seen you since you got your name changed to from spartan" I replied saying " I was a bit busy doing stuff with my family" AFTER I talked with the chief a bit I left and continued my walk with Marcus and agent to the council Dominic was going there so I went but I stopped for some stuff for Marcus and dropped it off with jade. I went to the council meeting Dominic was having a hard time convincing the council to sponcer him for the journey , I was a bit late so I felt a bit weird walking in this big blue building with a glass top. The sun shunned through the glass for light. I didn't wrong the designers it would of taken a hundred torches and it make the place look cooler, about fifty men and women Sat in circles getting each one getting smaller . I felt the seriousness in the air , people in suits looking pissed . I walked down the steps to the center Dominic looked so angry. When I went to the middle Dominic took a deep breath and started talking. Dominic said "council men and women I come before you asking for help and soldier's, along with money and food . Then a council man said" why should we give you our people to bring to war we know we can't win. Dominic then said "we can't let the monster's win or destroy our village, if we do any one in this room who objects our cause the blood of the people will be on your hands" after a hour of shouting and argument I got board and went to a sword in a anvil with markings the corner of the room and ask" council what is this trash doing hear *just so every one knows the floor me and Dominic is standing on is dust like an gladiators arena* Dominic and the council looked at Mr like I was a ghost doing murder or if I killed someone and they know it is me. Then a council said" this not for someone like you " I then said "what do you mean someone like me" the council fired back saying" you are only a advisory of Dominic, this is the the only reason you are hear " I instantly got Fed up and just pulled the sword out and then said" who gives a Shit about a sword the council went mad screaming and just bat Shit crazy so I decided to run out with Dominic.


Hey sorry for the long wait I better you thought I was dead didn't you well GOLDSPARTAN can NEVER DIE well I was thinking about the book, sorry about the carp episode this is a cliffhanger so stay tuned next week for the to see why the council went mad when I draw the sword out of the stone and also follow me and wait next month for a new book called #*€£ also comment with this code to show you read to the end THIS IS SPARTA and prove you are a true Spartan and in my absence we hit 100 reads thanks also remember to vote and read position high by kingC0 and as all ways

Hey sorry for the long wait I better you thought I was dead didn't you well GOLDSPARTAN can NEVER DIE well I was thinking about the book, sorry about the carp episode this is a cliffhanger so stay tuned next week for the to see why the council wen...

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