Chapter 27 // If he stays, I go

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Two weeks.

It's been two weeks since Jacob has come back.

It has been hell.

He has kept his ground away from me whenever I am in camp. But I try to stay away. I stay away from Jacob and from Pan and every other boy there by busying myself, hunting, gathering greens, exploring the island and talking with the mermaids.

Apparently Wendy and I were not the only girls to be brought to the island.

But just thinking of all the other girls make me want to cry. It's not right.

"Spence." I hear my voice and my head turns in the direction of it.

I see pan standing, leaning, against a tree. A smug look on his face.

"Yes?" I ask, not caring about how annoyed and whiny my voice sounds.

"I have a solution to your whole 'Jacob' drama." He holds up his pointer and middle fingers and bends them slightly when he mentions Jacob.

I internally groan.

"And what might that be?" I ask.

"You are going to be spending the day with him, the entire day until you two can get along because I cant have rivals in my camp." He states like it is the most genius idea in the world.

"No." I reply, turning away from him. Starting to walk back in the general direction of camp.

"What do you mean no?" He asks, keeping pace with me.

"I said no. It's not happening." I restate. Saying it slower, maybe then Pan will understand.

"What I say goes Spencer." He says, grabbing my hand to stop me from continuing to move.

"Not any more Pan. I am sick of this." I exclaim, throwing my hands around gesturing to the Forrest around us, "I am sick of you bossing me around and I am sick of being your toy." 

I start to walk back to camp when I am once again stopped by Pan. 

"What do you mean my toy? I play around with you Spencer. You are my soulmate I would never ever toy with you." I can see hurt flash in Pans eyes and it is the first I have ever seen of it. Ever. 

"You never play with me?" I ask, venom dripping out of my mouth. I poke him hard in the chest twice, "What about Grace? What about allowing Jacob back, What about PUTTING ME IN CAGE FOR A WEEK?" I scream the last part at him. 

I have had enough. I dont care anymore. I dont want to be here. I dont want to be near him or near anyone else for that matter. I want to go back home and live with my sister and visit my parents and brother. 

I feel so naked and abused here. 

I teleport back to camp and am not surprised to see Pan already there. Jacob and everyone in a circle around him. I roll my eyes at whatever game he is playing and go to my tent. 

Starting to pack my stuff. 

With my bag on my shoulder I wonder into the middle of the clearing where Pan is now laughing like an idiot with Jacob. As if there was nothing that ever happened between them. 

I drop my bow and knife at his feet which makes him look up at me. 

"If he stays," I say pointing at Jacob, "then I go." 

"But you will die." Jacob says, getting up to try and take my hand. 

"I could care less." I say, flinching away form his touch, slapping his hand away from mine. 

Never // Peter pan (R.K) ✅Where stories live. Discover now