Chapter 23// Hellos and Goodbyes

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For a while I just stumble around aimlessly through the Dark Forrest. Trying to get a grip on things.

Pan wants me to leave.

But I can't leave. Not without dying.

I don't see what I have done wrong to Pan. We argue ever single day, hell he even get into bloody punch ups and he would always say I love you by the end. Okay, maybe not with his words but I can sense it.

I mean, I had a right to get angry. He let our littlest lost boy get kidnapped by disgusting pirates. I think I had a right to get mad and the insane idiot.

The sound of a broken twig getting stepped on snaps me out  of my thoughts. I quickly notch an arrow and slow down my pace.

"Who is there?" I demand.

Smee steps out of the trees and I let a frustrated growl rip past my teeth.

"How are you not fucking dead yet?" I ask. The amount of times I have attempted to kill this idiot and he still manages to find a way to breath.

"Oh, there is a water source on top of death mans peak that can heal dreamshade. I drank it and I'm as fit as a fiddle. Fit enough to seek revenge." A gross smile peels its way across Smees grimy face.

"Can we please hold that though for a second. Just stay right here."  I say and I teleport to the pirates ship.

Zach is tied up to the main post. When we sees me he let's out a yell muffled by his gag. Which of course alerts some pirates of my appearance. I take them down quick and easy. Not in the mood for draining fights.

Untying Zach he gives me a hug.

"Thank you so much." Zach cheers and I hold onto his hand. Teleporting us back to camp.

That was far too easy. 

"OH MY GOD ZACH IS BACK!" Clayton yells as soon as we touch the floor. Clayton and Zach run to each other like mad men. All the remaining lost boys look over to see what's the commotion about. Including Pan, who looks at me for a full seconds.

"Of don't worry your highness, I won't be staying." I give him a bow and turn my back.

"What do you mean you aren't staying?" Tommy's voice filled the air.

"Yeah. Dont go."

"Where are you going?"

"Why is she leaving?"

"Leave Neverland?! You can't leave."

All the boys shout over the top of each other before Pan silences them.

'Spencer has expressed she does not want to live with us anymore." Pan says and I let out a yell, turning around.

"You lying little brat. Boys Peter had told me to leave before I went and saved Zach. When you bring my lost boy back, don't bother staying. I think was your exact words. You see dear old Peter Pan here was not going to save Zach. But I mean why would he? HE GAVE HIS OWN SON AWAY TO BE IMMORTAL AND YOUNG FOREVER!" I scream the last bit. Pan coma flying and me and pins me against a tree, one hand on my neck, chocking me and the other is holding a knife at my chest.


I try not to focus in the now spit on my face and try to concentrate on breathing.

"How dare you little wrench." Pan says, quieter now, "you will be punished."

At that moment black fills my vision from lack of air.


I wake in the stupid bamboo cage again. I remember the last time I was in this is because Pan into a fight. He slapped me and sent me to sleep in this cage for a week.

I let out a agitated scream and shake the confined box. 

I see three boys coming towards me, two carrying a slumped one. 

"Who is that?" I yell out and the two boys look at me. Tyler and Kian, "Boys who is that?" The stop outside my cage. 

"Its Aaron, as soon as you were out Pan went ape shit at us. Aaron was the only one who had the balls to stand up to him." Tyler holds up Aaron's head. His entire face is covered in blood from a cut I can't see. 

"Oh God." I hold back a sob, putting my hand to my mouth, "I am going to kick his little ass." 

"How? You can't get out." Kian says. 

"We will see." I say.


"PAN!" I scream as soon as I get back to camp. I had to cut my way out of the bamboo because I couldn't teleport. 

"How are you here? You were in a cage. Who let you out." Pan is steaming. If this was a cartoon then steam would be coming out of his ears. 

I dont say anything and just throw my knife at him, it skims his ear and gets stuck in the tree behind him. 

"Nobody let me out. I got myself out."  Pan literally growls at me.

"YOU LEFT ME WAITING FOR THREE DAYS!" Smee breaks into the clearing.

"For Gods sake." I mumble, "I swear I am going to kill you properly this time." I yell the last sentence and feel around my back for an arrow and my bow only to realize that it is not there. I grumble and charge at Smee. Not caring that he had a sword. Or that all the boys were watching. Or that I was unarmed. 

Smee takes a hack at me with his sword and I easily ducked under it. I sweep his feet from underneath him.

"Come on. Get up." I nudge his foot, picking up his sword. Smee picks himself up and I put his sword at his neck.

I feel Pan glaring at me from behind.

"Hurry up and kill him Spencer." Pan sounds annoyed and bored.

I scoff and look at him for a second before I feel a extremely intense pain in my stomach area. I drop Smee's sword and fall to my knees, holding my blood soaked stomach I look up at Smee who has a dagger in his hand. 

The last thing I hear is Pan yell before I hit the ground. 

WORDS- 1059


I swear I updated one chapter right, left didnt go on this account for like maybe three four days and I come back AND WE HAVE OVER 1K READS ON THIS BOOK. 


I just want to thank every single one of you guys who read every single chapter and vote on every single chapter. I mean like it warms my heart to go see my notification and see that multiple people have either added this into their reading list or have voted on every chapter. I just, I honestly am so appreciative of my readers. without you guys I probably wouldn't have updated frequently in the first like 15 chapters. I apologize that I haven't been updating a lot lately but I live in Australian so I am already three terms into the school year and im in year 9 so getting ready for senior is really stressful and I have had a lot of exams and I play hockey outside of school so I barely have anytime to update. But I need your help. I am getting extremely writers block and that is also a reason why I haven't been updating but because I am running our of ideas I'm not sure if I should write maybe 2-3 more chapters and end the book or just suck it up and write ten more chapters so please comment down below I have another chapter in mind because Spencer just got stabbed but ya know. 

Love you Lovelies <33


P.S Do any of you guys understand my username?

EDITED ON 24/09/2017

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