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Lola stood away from the funeral, she had no right to be there and if Letty and Dom hadn't convinced her otherwise, she would have left.

"Be emotional support she says, I'm the bitch that killed her..." Lola thought bitterly, blowing out a puff from her blunt.

Her eyes lingered on Han as he stood rigidly watching the grave. Her heart avhed painfully for him. There was nothing she could say to explain things, there was nothing that would even remotely make him understand.

She'd made herself the monster, not that she had any choice. It wasn't rnough that he know she wasn't the jealous type in such a horrible way. It was her live or Lola's, no not in that actual moment, but Lola's future would have been all the shorter later.

"God fucking damn it!" Lola shouted rolling up her sleeve a small bit of skin was raised, a perfect square. Lola rubbed her finger over the implant. "Fool me once" she murmured looking out her window. "Fool me twice" she thought.

As everyone left to give Han som space Roman came up to her window with Taj. Roman had a fierce glare on his face. "You shouldn't even have your bitch ass out here! You've done enough." Roman said.

Lola leered "you're right, but It wasn't my choice take up that tone with my fucking sister Ro" she said hollowly.

"Man, leave it alone. Lola woulda died too if she had tried to catch her those plane wheels woulda crushed em both" Taj sighed.

But Roman's glare was hard on her. "Bullshit, Lola beat Dom, Lola beat Brian, hell Lola beat Me. She coulda caught Gisele and moved out the way before you could draw a breath" Roman said his words slow and tone cold.

He took a step forward "you aint just kill your competition back there, you killed your boy too" he hissed before walking off.

Lola bit her red painted lip and water stung at her eyes. "Don't let him get to you Lala...we're all just emotional" Taj said gently. No one knew like he did just how much Han meant to her

"Taj" she whispered softly. "Go on....he kinda needs you now" he added.

Lola looked out at the grave. She could see Han shoulders trembling. "Right" she sighed getting out the car.

The other watched as she made her way to him. "Its gonna be tough" Dom muttered as he stood next to Letty. "No it won't, it doesn't matter, he knows if there was any other way she would have made it happen. That girls moved mountains for him Dom..." Letty sighed.

Lola stopped half way, taking a deep breath and prepared herself. "Tough skin, you be a fuckin rhino Lala" she told herself.

With a confident stride she walked next to Han, ran her fingers delicately across his shoulder before resting her arm across both his shoulders.

She could feel the knives of his glare but she kept her gaze to the distance and gripped his shoulders tightly as he tried to push her arm off.

The more he faught the more his shoulders shook. A soft gasping sob hit Lola like a semi-truck. Resting her hand on the back of his head she pushed his face into her neck.

Against himself he hid his face into the curve on her neck veiled by blonde locks. His fingers grasped tightly at her shirt nearly ripping it, his nails scratching into her skin.

Lola wrapped both arms around him and held him up as his legs slowly gave way. Han. Clawed at her sides purposefully, digging his pain into her, marking her with a hatred that was noiling more than the sorrow. For her and for himself, because even considering everything he still needed Lola so much.

"Its ok, Lue babe....tear me to fucking shreds, give me all of it, push all that noise into me now. I'll take it all" She whispered in a clear tone, resting. Her chin atop og his head.

"I hate you so damn much Lola...." Han choked in a hoarse whisper through his sobs.

The words hurt far more that the raw skin Han was scratching up. Clawing at her sides, ribs and stomach all ten fingers. Yet as they syood pressed together somehow their hearts still beat with one shared rhythm.

"One day Lue....I'll fix this..." She sighed trying not to let the tears in her voice be heard. "I'll fix us..." She thought. "On my life" she said clearly. Letting him fall apart in her arms slowing slipping away herself until she was numb to the pain. Dying slowly to herself, she couldn't feel her body screaming in protest as she solely supported all of his weight just to keep him standing.

"You can't claim that aint love, just listen to the blood stains on her shirt" Taj said to Roman.

"Theres no shirt left" Brian murmured looking at Lola's torn shirt and the shreaded exposed flesh it revealed. Han's hands were stained red.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2018 ⏰

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