Chapter two

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Phew, sorry for the wait on this book XD



Chapter two

After she managed to sneak pass the security guard, Mito carefully looked inside the backroom and saw her brothers, relaxing and talking to each other, sometimes laughing.

Mito then looked a closer look and couldn't help, but realize that they had changed over the years, but she shook her head, she have a mission in hand.

But before she could do anything, she froze when the blonde suddenly turn to her hiding spot.

"Seems like big sister came to visit" the blonde said with a smirk, making the ebony giggle a bit. Seem that hiding was pointless, Mito stepped out of her hiding spot, still looking at the brothers.

"Hey Naruto, Memma" Mito greeted with a smile, making the twins scowl at her, "Its not our name" 'Naruto' growled at her with 'Memma' nodding in agreement. "What are you talking about? It is your name" Never mind about that" Mito started to ask before remembering what she was here, "Naruto, Memma, we've been looking for you two everywhere, mom and dad was worried so lets go back home" she said in a hopeful tone.

But when she said that, the atmosphere soon became heavy making Mito breath more heavy. The twin simply stared at her with blank expressions.

"What make you think we'll go back?" Memma asked in a low tone, making Mito shiver for some reason.

"Why do we WANT to go back?" Naruto added with a scowl. "We'll just get ignored because of you, this is OUR home so why should we leave" Naruto soon yelled at her which Mito started to notice the red started to slowly turn to a purple color, but it soon faded away when Memma placed his hand on the blonde's arm, instantly calming him down.

Memma then turn to Mito, "Please leave before I call security" the ebony told her, whom didn't want anyone else involved, did what he said and left.

When she left, Memma turned to Naruto and hugged him, "Shh...its okay Cuphead" Memma softly said, making the blonde smile and hugged him back. "Sorry for losing control Mugman" he said.


It was the next day as Mito and the team came back, but Mito have a plan which she was sure it would work.

"Mito, this is a bad idea" Jiraiya told her in an uncertain tone while placing his hand on her shoulder to stop her, but Mito simply shrug his hand off. "Don't worry pervy-sage, I have a plan" Mito firmly told him before walking to one of the gambling tables, ignoring Jiraiya's warnings.

Mito walked up to the tables before slamming her hand on the surface, catching the attention of the surrounding people, "I would like to deal with the boss of this Casino!" Mito firmly explained, which made everything turn silent.

Everyone had turn to her with looks of shock, surprise and horror which Mito ignored them as she was staring at the dealer, whom looked at her with a shocked expression.

"Well" Mito called out in an impatient tone. Soon enough the sound of footsteps broke the silence, making Mito turn around to see the same man from yesterday and the same smirk.

"My you are the one that wanted to deal with the boss right?" the man asked, making Mito nod, "Yes, I want to wager a deal" Mito explained.

The man simply smirks more and sent one of the workers away, "Well need to wait" the man told her, making her growled in annoyance, but agreed to it and crossed her arms and tapping her foot, waiting.

A few minutes had passed and soon enough, the air soon became heavy and the people started to move out of the way when a single man, taller than everyone else walked through the crowd.

The man have long black hair that is up in a low pony tail, bright red eyes and having a toothy grin with a cigar in his mouth. He was wearing a black business suit that seem to fit him well. The only things that popped out was the horns on his head, one of them was broken and a tail coming out of his lower back.

The horned man walked up to the table and grinned at them which Mito felt a shiver go through her body, "Well well, is this the one that wanted to play against me Dice?" he asked, making Dice nods with a smirk, "Yes boss" he answered.

Snapping out of it, Mito turned to the horned man with a determined expression, "I would like to make a deal" she firmly said, making the man grin more and pulled the cigar out of his mouth.

"What kind of deal?" he asked.

"If I win that my brothers come back" Mito said, staring at the man, whom grinned even more and stared down at her, "I'll take that deal, but if I win....I'll take something from you" he stated, making Mito hesitate a bit, not knowing what he would take if she lose, but she pushed that fear down and firmly nodded, "Deal" she aid, making everyone gasp and started talking.

"But before we start" the horned man said before snapping his fingers, causing Mito to feel tingles throughout her body. "What did you do!?" Mito demanded, "I'd made sure that you would cheat with your.....guest" he said, making Mito's eyes to widen, shocked that he knew about what it was sealed in her, but she shook her head.


It been an hour within the game and Mito soon started to get nervous as she stared at the dices in her hand. She had gotten lucky so far, but she seen how calm the boss is.

Biting her bottom lip, she closed her eyes and threw the dices on the table, hearing them clanking for a few seconds before it stopped then she heard loud gasp, causing her to open her eyes then her heart dropped to her stomach.

Snake eyes

The horned man soon started to chuckle and it turned into loud laughter before he turned to her with a toothy grin.

"You lost" he said, which Mito looked at the dices in shock. 'No....that was my only chance' Mito thought in despair then she was cut out of her thoughts when she felt an uncomfortable sensation in her stomach, which she looked down to see an arm in her stomach and when she looked up, she saw that it was the horned man with the same grin.

"I'm taking what's mine" he simply said before pulling his arm out, now holding a red swirling sphere, causing Mito to gasp and passed out, but was caught by Jiraiya, whom glared at him.

"She was a good opponent, but not good enough~ I suggest you all to return back" the man stated, staring down at them, causing Jiraiya to quickly look away and picked Mito up before leaving.

Watching them leave, Dice turned to his boss, "What are you doing to do with that?" he couldn't help, but ask making the boss grin, "I'll find some use" he said before heading back, "Don't forget to tell Mugman to stop by my office" he asked before leaving.

Dice still couldn't help, but he shook it off and started to leave to find the brothers.


Well she made a deal and lost XD

Comment down of what you think so far and yeah

Piper out-

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