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We went to the diner, to eat.

"I think I miss home or whatever, but, yo, it's so country out here, It's like the flies, Why are there so many flies out here?" - Brian

"Man, I know you not gonna get into this." i say

"For real" - X

"Okay, so why is there a rat on every corner in New York City?" I ask Him

"Why, after every sentence, you call me shorty? "Yo, shorty, shorty." I'm taller than you." He says

"Let me ask you this, then. In New York City, why do you guys say,"Yo, son," after every sentence?"

"I'm not your kid. I'm not your child, Why I gotta be your son?"

"Money?" - X

"B?" - me

"I call you "sun" because you shine like one. You feel me?" Brian smiles

"Yeah, that was real sentimental, thanks" I look out the window.

The waitress brings our food.

"Thank you" - me

"Thank you" - Gio

"Thank you" - X

"Y'all need anything else?"

"No, we all right" - X

"Actually, let me get some iced tea?" - Brian

"Sweet or unsweet?"

"Sweet" Brian smiles

She rolls her eyes and goes to the tea machine.

"She choosing, huh, Brian?" I laugh

"Shut up."

"Brian! Oh, good Lord! That ass fatter than a swamp possum with the mumps." - X

"Okay...You got a point." I nod my head

"You guys got your get y'all cap and gowns yet?" - X

"Oh, yeah, I got mine." - Gio laughs

"I know you do."

"Yo, you sure you graduating, Xavier? Like, come on, for real, just give it up." Brian messes with him

"That ain't funny, man. I'm trying alright I'm trying." X gets butt hurt a lil

"Wait a minute, Aren't you about in the 14th grade now?" - Gio

"Yeah, I'm in the same class with your mom, By the way, I ain't seen her lately. You gotta tell her to come in and check in with Daddy at the house."

We all start laughing

"I need my money on time." X snaps his fingers

"Hey, don't make jokes about me, okay? I'm sensitive." Gio says

I see the door opening, hearing the door bell ring and look that way.

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