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Chapter One

"Angel, were going to be late!" I heard my aunt yell from downstairs I sighed I don't know why she bothered talking to me when she knew well I wouldn't talk back. I was mute by choice after the 'accident' that had happened with my parents 6 months ago. I looked at myself in the mirror my black hair was up in a messy pony tail with my dorky glasses covering up my Golden eyes . I looked down at my clothes a black sweater that covered my hands and black leggings followed by Black toms I sighed and pitched my cheeks to give it some color. I grabbed my books and walked downstairs "finally, come on sweetheart Will already left." I nodded I pulled out a notebook and a pen

'are you going to come in with me?'

I showed it to her and she nodded "Yes, I need to speck to the principle." I nodded I shrugged on my backpack "you ready?" I shrugged and followed her to the car "Honey, I know this is hard for you but your going to need to start talking." My eyes widen and I started to hyperventilating she pulled over "oh! breathe , fine you can talk when your ready." I took in deep breaths and nodded "Are you okay ?" I nodded and she started the car again we arrived at school "come on, were late." I grabbed my bag and followed her in no one was outside I guess they were in class "Okay, sweetheart wait." I sat down on the bench "Psst, are you new?" A guy across from me asked me I nodded "cool, I'm Luke's. And you are?" I bit my lip and looked away "it's cool your shy." I didn't answer "oh come on don't be like that." I sighed and point at my throat then shook my head his eyes widen "I'm sorry!" I shrugged and pulled out my notebook and wrote

'it's cool, I'm Angel.'

He smiled I took this chance to look at him he had light brown hair and green eyes he was tan "So, why are you here?"

'I moved here with my aunt'

"Oh cool, listen I have to go but I'll catch you around." He winked and walked away I blushed crimson and looked down the door opened "Angel, honey, I have to go here's your timetable and your locker number. I love you and look for Will okay?" I nodded she kissed my forehead "oh! Before I forget give this to your teacher." I nodded again I waved at her and walked around looking for my class I finally found it and opened the door everyone stopped and stared at me "yes, how may I help you?" The teacher asked I bit my lip and handed him the note my aunt had given he looked up and gave me a pity look making me glare at him "Class this is Angel Light she's a new student and I want all of you to treat her with respect are we clear?" They grumbled a 'yes sir.' "Angel, sit next to Axel." He pointed to the guy in the back my eyes widen he had black hair and brown eyes he had on a black shirt on with big muscles with tattoos he had a scar on his left eyebrow I slipped next to him. Our shoulder accidentally touched and I gasped I grabbed my notebook and wrote

'I'm sorry I didn't mean to!'

He gave me a funny look "why don't you talk?" I sighed and pointed at my throat and shook my head his eyes widen "oh." was all he said he turned back around and did his work.

By lunch time I was tried and most of the school knew I was Mute I grabbed my lunch and looked for an empty sit I was walking and looking around when I bumped into someone I opened my mouth to speck but quickly shut it "watch it freak." A girl with blond hair and baby blue eyes said glaring at me she barely was wearing clothes "Oh, look girls it's the freak mute who can't talk." My face heated up as everyone stopped and looked at us "What? Not going to say anything? Oh wait you can't." She said smirking tears formed at my rims "Get out of here Mute freak." She pushed me making me fall and my milk to spill all over my sweater. I gasped and everyone laughed at me " Mute freak, mute freak." They all yelled over and over "Enough!" A voice roared the crowed split and I saw Axel "Angel, are you okay?" I nodded but my eyes betrayed me as tears slipped out "come on." He whispered helping me up

Axel POV

It was lunch time but I was talking to my Alpha I was the beta of the black shadow pack. I was in high school looking for my mate my other half my Soulmate. I called my alpha and he quickly answered

[Axe, have you found your mate?]

His deep voice rang thru the receiver I sighed

"no, alpha nothing."

[You know you must find her because we attack the school.]

I nodded knowing what was going to happen in a days time

"yes alpha I know but I-"

"mute freak! Mute freak!" People chanted in the cafeteria

[Axel, what is it?]

The alpha said I stayed quite mute freak they're wasn't any mute peop- sh*t Angel! "Alpha I have to go."

[Axel what's goi-]

I hung up in him and ran to the cafeteria "enough!" I roared as people crowded her as I got there I saw she had her hands to her ear and her eyes tightly closed she opened her eyes and saw me "Angel, are you okay?" She nodded though she started to cry I helped her up and whispered "come on." I don't know but my wolf felt the urge to protect her. She wasn't my mate that's for sure. We went out the court yard and she took off her glasses wiping her eyes "do you even need glasses?" She shook her head hiccuping "Then why do you wear them?" She shrugged "oh right here." I gave her my phone and she typed

'I hate my eyes.'

I laughed she looked up at me and gave me a cute glare. "you have beautiful eyes Angel. Unique in fact." She blushed shook her head "Are you okay?" She shrugged and typed again

'I spilled milk on my sweater and I cried on my first day with a guy I didn't even know.'

I smirked "It's not that bad." She cracked a smile and rubbed her eyes "Why don't you wait here and I'll bring you lunch?" On cue her stomach grumbled she giggled and covered her stomach she nodded her head as In a thank you was "be right back."

Angel's POV

I had finished my lunch and was walking with Axel he was really nice once you got to know him. Axel and I had last class together which was math. I was sleepy I put my head on my desk and slowly closed my eyes

I jerked away as the bell rung everyone was packing up there stuff and leaving. I flushed and grabbed my stuff to "Hey sleepy head." Axel teased I glared at him and wrote in my notebook

'Jerk! Why didn't you wake me?'

He laughed "Well princess, you looked to darn cute and it was funny." I huffed and walked out of class "See you tomorrow princess!"

He yelled making everyone turn around and look at me I blushed all different kinds of Red and rushed outside I spotted my aunt and made a quickly beeline to her car. I shut the door and smiled "Hay ya, how was your first day?" I smiled and gave her a thumbs up once I got home I rushed inside and chucked my bag on the floor and ran upstairs I collapsed on the bed and grabbed my phone which I had left here I slowly began to close my eyes and drifted off to sleep just like at school with a smile on my face

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