*time skip brought to you by WE HAD A BONDING MOMENT, I CRADLED YOU IN MY AMRS?!if you get the ddlc reference I love you)

3rd person

Lance had been waiting for what felt like days but had only been a few hours, Keith was OK but now Lance had to find some way to get close to him; talk to him.

Keith's P.O.V

I'm alive, why, who, when I swear I was so close to being free of this life!
I'll find who found me at 3am, who the hell was awake?!

Lance P.O.V

OK he's waking up, time to talk to him....!

3rd Person

Lance went over and helped the other up, and Keith was shocked LANCE helped ME kinda reaction.

"Heyyyyyy so, I saved you from deathhh."

"Yea, but I wanted to die."

"But why?"

"Because there is nothing and no one here for me."

"I want to though, I want to help you!"

"You hate me we're 'rivals' fight to death, Lance and Keith neck'a'neck"

"I don't hate you!"

"You actions say otherwise."

"I'm bi OK! I didn't want anyone, especially you hating me, so pretended to hate you."

Keith's P.O.V

Lance is bi... maybe I can finally tell someone, talk to someone. I mean he did save me.... right?

3rd person

"No one knows that about me so..."

"I have never felt like I belong ether until now, with you Lance."

"I told you something about me, your turn Keith."

"Well um, there is not much but I guess there is the fact of... You know what never mind!"

"What Keith, the fact of what?!"

"I guess if you really do care."

"I do Keith, I do so much!"

"Ok, the thing is I'm actually....." Hesitating he says in a whisper and Lance only just hears "I'm g-gay"

"Wait really!!!"

"Yea... That's why I never showed interest in girls at all."

"Now that I think about it that makes a lot of sense!"

Keith giggles "Does it now?"

Lance almost faints from how adorable the other is being "Yes it does Kogane, Now I have a proposal for you,"

"And what might that be McClain?"

"Will you Keith Kogane, go on a date with me and maybe if that goes well be my boyfriend?"

"I always did have this crush on you so why not?"

They both leaned forward and kissed each other both of their first kisses but not their last either...

Word count 866

Heyyyy Its Jisa
I know I wrote this, its my longest one that I've done so far and I feel very happy with how it turned out!

Also Shia and I have been working on a "Perfect boyfriend" Klance and will be posting it soon, it has many turns, may I warn you. Watch out for that one!!

Byeeeeee <333333

PS. The dreams that Keith were having were of Lance dying and insulting him self and they were just getting more brutal which is why he talks about them getting 'worse' in case you wanted to know.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2018 ⏰

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