Life After Dark: 22 (WTW Sequel)

Start from the beginning

Naturally, he didn't take it well the first time he said those three words and I blurted out, "Thank you." And he wasn't the most patient guy during the weeks that followed, while I made up my mind about what I wanted, as he put it. It wasn't until he was fighting for his life after a gunshot to the stomach while retrieving a flipper in Boise that it sank in how devastated I'd be without him.

"Yeah, right." He brushes a palm over his thigh, sweeping invisible lint from the rough faded denim of his jeans. It gives him a chance to avert his gaze and focus on something else. "Saige wanted you to think it was serious. So did I because . . . I wanted you to feel the way I've been feeling since you left me. Like I'm not worth your time. Like everything we've done and said to each other didn't matter in the end."

"It did," I breathe.

"And yet you still broke up with me."

"I know that. I remember. But the truth is it's a mistake I'll regret for the rest of my life," I answer with heartbreaking honesty.

I keep my expression open as he scrutinizes me, looking for something to hold against me, something that reaffirms how much he should distrust me. I hate that he feels this way, but I know better than to think everything will magically be okay. People like Marcus don't trust easily. And earning back their trust—well, that's asking for the same miracle twice.

I scan the crowds out of habit as I think of more to say. My gaze freezes on a figure deeper in the meadow of trees, about two hundred feet from where we stand. The figure is no more than a silhouette. With all of the thick clouds in the sky and the shade of the trees, there isn't much sunlight today, but it doesn't explain the human shadow. This is an entirely abnormal sighting, maybe the clue we've been waiting for.

I clutch Marcus's arm and squeeze tightly, my fingers digging into his flesh. "Ow! Jesus, you need to trim those nails," he grouses as he jerks his arm away and rubs at the spot.

"It's here," I expel sharply, my eyes fixed on the shadow.

My heart's beating faster. I'm certain it's looking at me now. Watching and waiting.

For what?

Marcus sounds like he's on high alert when he says, "Who? What?"

"There. Do you see that shadow?"

There's a pause as he searches the spot I'm pointing at. The figure is partly obscured by foliage, but it's hard to miss. For me at least, since he finally says, "I don't see anything. You talking about the same shadow you followed down into the cave?"

"I don't know if it's the same one, but it's definitely the same kind."

Willow notices us whispering, our expressions clearly concerned, and she nudges Janie before coming over to us. Janie gives the boys chatting her up a cute wave and a seductive smile before joining her. "What is it?" Willow asks.

"Shadow. To the left of that big tree." I keep it short and terse, remembering the order she gave me to follow the last shadow I ran into. Then again, the fact that I don't have an overpowering urge to go after this one means she hasn't been messing with my mind again.

Willow blows a strand of curly blond hair from her face. "It's not me," she says emphatically as though she realizes the direction of my thoughts.

"Who were you texting just now?" I ask.

She looks like I've struck her. Her hurt expression hardens into anger, and she thrusts her phone out to me. "Jones. He's still acting like the sky is falling, and I've been trying to calm him down. See the damned texts for yourself."

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