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We slowly leaned in and met eachother half way. His lips felt soft and warm against mine. Steve was being very careful, like he was holding a glass bowl on a tight rope. He gently pulled away after about 7 seconds.

"I think I need you." He gently whispered to me.

"Right now, you have me." I smiled leaning back in.

Our lips connected again as he ran his fingers through my hair. Steve was taller than me so I ended up grabbing the collar of his DX shirt.

Steve's POV

Finally. I finally had her in my arms, even if it's just in this minute. I had to get more, I couldn't let this kiss just be like the one right before this one. I need this kiss to mean something. I started pushing her back while keeping our lips locked together. We stumbled over the curb as I pressed her against the gas pump. She pulled more on my collar because I was atleast 5 inches taller than her. I lifted Louise up and she wrapped her legs around my torso.

The only thing I couldn't resist was temptation, and I'm glad I couldn't.  I slipped my tounge on her lip asking for entrance she denied it. I could feel  her fangs threw her lips. Tat probably sounds gross but it's honestly is kinda turning me on. I think I'm addicted. I don't know how I'm gonna stay away anymore. I don't think I can.

She slowly pulled her legs off of me and released her lips from mine. She slipped out from in between me and the gas pump. Vamp went into the DX as Sodapop came out, he must've went in while we were kissing. All I did was sit on the curb and think about what just happened.

"How was it buddy?" Soda giggled.

"I think I'm addicted." I sighed. All of a sudden I started laughing hysterically. I don't know what was so funny. I am just so happy. Sodapop started laughing too.

"I bet you didn't think your day would turn out like this." Soda commented.

"I locked up." Louise smiled walking up to us.

"We should head home." I suggested, with a stupid grin on my face.

Vamps POV

Our whole way home, it was silent. All I could think of is how I felt in Steve's arms. I think I'm in love. I think I'm addicted.

"You're a good kisser. Ya know that?" I pointed out to Steve.

"You make it easy." He flirted.

"Guys, I am right here." Sodapop reminded as we walked up to the Curtis house. As soon as we enter, Sodapop screams "GUESS WHO KISSED?!?" as he pushed me and Steve in front of him.

"Oooooo... STEVEY AND VAMP, SITTING IN A TREE-" Two Bit howled, before I cut him off with a glare so scary, I might as well punched him in the stomach.

"Shut your trap." Steve growled turning red before walking on the porch. I followed him.

"He's such an idiot." I told Steve while sitting down next to him on the splintery steps. I could tell he was embarrassed.

"I know it.  I'm gonna go home." He started walking off the lawn "Hey, are you staying at Buck's tonight?" I live in a room at Buck's.

"I don't know, maybe. Hey Stevey, leave your window open." I winked at him. I always cone over his house to talk about things, and it was a normal request of mine.

"I always do." Steve reminded.

"I'll stop by in an hour or so."

"See you then." He replied.

I walked back into the house and was immediately bombarded with questions.

"Are you two together?"
"Did he kiss you or did you kiss him?"
"What were you two just talking about?"
"Is he a good kisser?"
"Do you like him?"
"Do you love him?"

 Looser Gets A Kiss (A Steve Randle FF)Where stories live. Discover now