The Past

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All officers report to Unit 12 ! Repeat ! All officers report to Unit 12 !

"Suspects are armed with M16. Be on your look out guys. " the speaker said.

"Well , we're actually tailing them, sir. " Philip said. "Your orders?"

"What are you, idiots? Get them! If they're too far try to slow them down. The other units are on their way ." said the speaker.

Javier turned his partner, "Buckle up, this is going to be bumpy."

Well Philip is actually buckled up. He could feel his gut twisting. Scared the fact that he's risking his life AND his partner here has mad driving skills that could either kill you or scar you for life.

"Hey buddy, us being together in a pack, I could hear every thought right? " his partner raised an eyebrow at him.

"Just drive!"

Philip a 21 year old officer in charge is now on duty in a car chase . He was praying to the goddess that he would return home to his mate and pack, seeing as he is the next alpha in line to rule over his father's pack, the third strongest pack in the world.

"So, if we make it after this chaos, up for another round of who can drink the most vodka?"

Philip rolled his eyes . "Javier, can we not talk about this and focus on the chase?"

Javier just chuckled. Then the car swerved into a corner. "Well I am your beta so just confirming it."

Both of them were officers on patrol , after this mission they're returning back to their mates and ready to take over.

Just as they were catching up to them the van containing the suspects stopped which made their police car collide with it. The thing about being a werewolf, they heal fast.

Philip got out immediately. "Put your hands up in the air and surrender! " he got out his gun.


He was shot at the shoulder but he managed to heal immediately after pulling it out the bullet.

The robbers were shock at first but kept on firing . His eyes were sharper and dodged them. Then suddenly he was shot in the back and he could feel the pain.

Looking around he could see Javier on the floor.

Silver. He and Javier were shot with silver. Seeing as he was alpha he could still hold on to it.

"Who knew that these two officers here are shifters. Good thing I brought silver, huh?" someone from the van came out.

"You're a rogue..." Philip croaked out.

The man rolled his eyes and chuckled. "Of course I am. It seems that I caught a big one here. Alpha and Beta. Hmm I wonder how much will your pack offer..." he chuckled.

His friends behind him didn't seem to understand but when it comes to money they're all ears.

The man removed the sleeve on Javier's arm.

"Woah, The Midnight Shadow Pack! This is going to make us into billionaires! Hey someone tie them up with those silver chains I brought ! I'm so going to make us all rich !!"

They cheered.

Philip tried to get up but couldn't. He couldn't hear his wolf now. They got Javier tied up and threw him into the van. He wanted to shift but couldn't.

No , he promised he'll return to his mate , his son and daughter. He wont let his pups to be fatherless .

Struggling to get up he was pinned down.

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