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"Why?! Briarpaw, why?" Shrieked firestar. The apprentice growled. She was twelve moons old, but she was as big as him.

"I don't know!" She screamed back. "I don't know why!" The black tom was behind firestar, looking at her with a perplexed expression. Firestar raised his paw and swiped her neck. She felt hot blood and collapsed, her eyes closed.

She heard some cat leap at firestar. She was slipping away when she fealt a cat curl around her. It began to lick her wound.

He said in a frantic voice, "Stay with me, stay with me! Oh, there's so much blood! What do I do!?" Briarpaw groaned. But the tom continued. "Um, miss, please, tell me your name."

"Briarpaw." She replied.

"Don't worry Briarpaw, you'll be safe. Help is coming."

"Hey!! Wake up sleepy!" Said a voice. Briarpaw opened her eyes to find herself in a spacious den under a dumpster. The walls were blanketed in moss and there were several nest scattered around. The entrance was wide, and there was a grey cat with Amber eyes standing in it. "Ah! Good, you're awake!"

"Um, hi." Said Briarpaw. She shifted into a sitting position, her throught was sore. When she saw her wound covered with cobwebs.

"C'mon! We don't have all day!" Said the she-cat. "My names Minkie, by the way! I can't believe you're here! I am so relieved! It was horrible being the only apprentice for four whole moons. Now we'll train together, hunt together, become warriors together and be bestest friends! I can't wait to start training with you!" Briarpaw got the hint Minkie talked a lot. Like, really a lot.

"So Minkie, were exactly am i?"

"Oh, in Bloodclan of coarse! We're else?" Said Minkie "Anyway... Silverthorn wants to take us out for hunting practice! It's going to be sooooo much fun!"

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