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Chapter Four:

Chapter Four:Evergreens

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tw: rape

"I'M NOT GOING to the dance, Lily. Just go, have fun!" Jessie smiled, laying on her bed, freshly showered after having won the Quidditch game. She smiled at her friend who was dressed up in her pretty blue dress.

Jessie lay in one of her friends sweaters, it smelt like James, though it could've been any of her friends. She buried her face in the sleeve and took a deep breath through her nose. Evergreens, fresh rain and fresh cut wood. She loved the smell.

"Please come, it'll be so fun!" Lily begged.

"I'll either be third wheeling with your date or third wheeling with my friends," Jessie groaned.

"That's not true! James doesn't have a date! And he's your best friend! You two can hang out," Lily insisted.

Jessie sighed and grabbed a plain black dress from the closet, waving her wand at her hair, which curled instantly. She tugged it on. It was tight fitting around her chest and waist. It was short and snug, but she looked good. Lily said as much as they made their way down to the Great Hall that had been transformed into a ball room.

Jessie entered the ball room, watching Lily run off to her date and other friends. She wiped her palms on her dress as anxiety creeped in. She spotted her friends, drinking cups of what she assumed was alcohol. Even Moony.

She strolled over to her friends, slinging an arm around Sirius. "Hello boys," she sang out.

Remus choked on his drink and Peter fell out of his chair. James dropped his cupcake on the table in front of him. Sirius only looked a little amused by her outfit. He had seen his cousin at family parties in these dresses that aggravated her parents.

"What in Godric's name are you wearing, Jessica?" James stared at her behind his glasses.

"Better yet, what isn't she wearing," Remus mused, coughing a bit.

"Stop making a big deal, it's not much," Jessie insisted.

"You could say that again," James decided.

Jessie winked at her friend, handing him the cupcake back. She took a cup from Sirius, sniffing it. She scrunched up her nose a bit. "Why does my drink smell like an evergreen tree?" She scoffed.

Remus grabbed the cup, "No, it smells like chocolate! Oh blimey, someone spiked the punch with ammortentia! Do not drink that, Jess."

"Yeah, Jess, don't drink it," scoffed a voice behind him.

Jessie turned around and saw the boy of her nightmares. If she wasn't related to the boy she might find him handsome, but that wasn't stopping him. Regulus Black eyes his cousin with a lust that made Peter squeak with discomfort.

"Regulus, you do know Jessie is your cousin, don't you?" Sirius asked.

"Doesn't matter. She's not my sister," Regulus said with the devil's smile. "Here, I got you something." He hands her a drink. "And something else."

He reached into his pocket and pulled out the ring Jessie had sent back to her parents  a week ago. Jessie gasped at the ring.

"No," Jessie said stepping back. "No I sent that back! I'm not marrying you Regulus!"

Regulus had his wand out, under her chin, silencing her. She glared at her cousin, watching as James stepped forward, but Regulus growled.

"One step and I hex her!"

James froze watching his friend helplessly.

"Now drink the damn drink and put on the damn ring. And then come dance with me." Regulus demanded.

"Not likely," she scoffed, but raised the drinks to her lips. And as she swallowed she realized too late that it smelled like evergreens.

And who else smelled like evergreens.


The night was a blur.

Jessie briefly remembered slipping Regulus's ring on, pressing close to him and dancing all night. She distantly remembered James asking to cut in. Regulus yelling. A fight broken up before any teachers saw.

Then she was gone with Regulus.

And now she woke up in his bed with him. She slipped out of the bed, tugging her dress on, feeling disgusting and dizzy. She took off the ring, setting it on the nightstand.

She felt bruises all over her body, she felt an ache between her legs and felt love bites on her neck. Her curls were deflated and her hair a stringy mess. She limped back to the Gryffindor common room.

She ignored the Fat Lady asking if she was okay, what happened. Instead, she just screamed and screamed the password until finally James stepped through the portrait. He blinked in confusion, then realization.

"Oh Jess," he hugged her tightly.

She sobbed in his arms, her knees giving out under her. Together they collapsed to the ground, James holding her tightly, her face buried in his shoulder.

And she could smell the evergreens.

[Published 01/27/18]

a/n: this ones a bit short, sorry, but i hope you enjoy anyway!

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