(Santana's Desire) Chapter 21 In my arms.

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Santana's Desire 

Chapter 21 

In my arms

(After going to the hospital to see Lisa, Donnie's wife.)

After the hospital, Damon and I had a talk in bed. I had this offer from Donnie to work as a dance teacher for the young children at Dream Beat. I want it badly but whom am I kidding. I am not a skinny woman, I have a lot of writing to do. Not to mention my dear Damon. Once I start this job, I will become so busy. I do not know if he wants this to happen. I do not know how serious our relationship is. I love him and he is the only one for me. He says he loves me but I know that is all there is there. Just love. If a miracle would happen one day and I'm given my son back, will Damon be there for both of us? I do not want to ask him this just yet. I am worried he will run off. So we talked about me getting the job and doing it. He says he is ok with it. I just need to take it slow. I decided to start it after court with Dillon.  

Every time I have to go to court, something terrible happens. I don't want Dillon to find out that I have this job offer. He will make sure I don't some way some how. Damon of course promised me everything would end well for me. These promises make me nervous. He doesn't have kids and I don't know if he was ever engaged. Come to think of it, I do not know much of him. I mean I must know something about the man I love. I know there are a few old girlfriends that he obviously was or is scared to commit permanently also I quickly met his brother and friends also. 

I needed to know more about him before we sleep together again. I want him to tell me more about him on his own. I don't want to ask a list of questions like in the game we played a while back. It as to be his choice to open up and tell me more about his life and anything else I don't know.

We began this long make out session that I knew Damon wanted to lead to sex. I would too but I am not sure he will be at my side. Then there's this eerie feeling I get when he's over me or even excited enough to want to start sleeping with me. I feel like I am cheating or hiding something from him. What is that about? I have never been with anyone except Dillon and Damon. It just feels like I just broke up with Dillon. We have not been intimate willingly in years. I did sleep with Dillon after I had Shane but it was a couple of times. Shane was a few months old. My baby is three years old now. The last time I was with Damon was right before he left me that horrible morning. He pulled off and didn't return. I hate thinking of that day. It makes me hurt allover again.

I felt horrible stopping Damon knowing he was extremely hot and bothered but I couldn't sleep with him just because he wanted me to. Instead, we made out literally until we both fell asleep. I never saw Damon fall asleep before me. He was out cold. I held D's head between my breast and rubbed his head. Soon he was asleep. Last things he said was I love you and sorry for making me feel pressured to have sex with him. I let him know it wasn't that much of a big deal. I just wanted to take that slow. D kissed my neck and chin softly before resting his head on me to sleep. I don't think he knew he was going to sleep. If he did, I am sure he would want to look more manly about it. Men don't usually want to fall asleep cuddled in a woman's arms. I thought he looked adorable but he would say that was beyond embarrassing.

I fell asleep just scooting him down enough so his head could rest on my stomach. I had to move his dead weight around to get comfortable. D didn't get disturbed once.

When we woke up Damon looked shocked.

"What's wrong sleepy head?" I giggled.

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