where are you?

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xxJen: lisa?

xxJen: it's been five seconds why haven't you responded?

xxJen: are you okay?

xxJen: should I call the police?

xxJen: if this is a joke it's not funny.

Love.Lisa.: Uh hi whoever you are. This is one of Lisa's friends Jisoo, don't be worried but Lisa had an accident this morning.

xxJen: what type of accident?

Love.Lisa.: I assume she's told you about the sleeping problem?

Love.Lisa.: The doctors were saying she over worked her body with the lack of sleep she gets so she fainted. Like I said don't worry she is fine now just needs rest.

xxJen: where is she?

Love.Lisa.: It's called the National One hospital.

xxJen: I'm close. I'll be there in 40.

Love.Lisa.: Uh ok?

xxJen has signed off.

Jennie didn't know what she was doing but right now the only thing on her mind was lisa.

Jisoo stared at her best friend in the small hospital bed and let her mind wonder to the weird brunette who would drive 40 minutes to see Lisa who would probably be passed out due to the medicine they gave her.


Parking the car, Jennie gathered her stuff and stuffed it in her sweats. She was nervous to actually see Lisa in person but the worrying was overpowering any other feeling and so she started the walk to the big double doors.

Jennie's POV:
"No No Lisa manoban, not Elisa mono ben." I said putting weight on each word. "Right. Hold on." The annoying nurse said. Thinking she actually got it this time I checked the time and groaned at how I've almost spent 20 minutes trying to figure this out. After five minutes she looked at me with a confused look on her face. "What did you need again?" She asked. I traced my hand into my hair tightening the hold on it to refrain from strangling this stupid chick.

"Jennie?" I heard from my side. Glancing my head up I saw a girl who looked like she was trying to analyze me. "Yes?" I answered hoping she knew where Lisa is. "I'm Jisoo. Come I'll show you the way." She smiled answering my prayers. Quietly following her I skimmed her looks overall and was surprised to see she didn't look bad. An annoying thought came to my mind at the worst time. 'Lisa isn't dating her right?' Is all that crowded my mind now. I mean she's really pretty and seems nice. But I was better than her.

Widening my eyes at the next thought I tried to shake it out; I was jealous. Internally groaning I ignored the thoughts and slowed my steps as the girl in front of me did too. Watching my right my mouth opened as I laid my eyes on the sleeping  red head. Taking slow strides I took a place besides her bed scooting the chair so I could sit. My eyes hungrily took everything in and despite the place where we're at I admired her beauty. Gagging at my own words I focused on her face which had a little cut. "She fainted giving her that cut." jisoo, the other person in the room explained. Nodding I brought my hand up to her face and did feather light touches with my fingers tracing her jaw. Pulling back quickly as she slightly shifted in her place I took it as a sign to leave.

Feeling unsatisfied I skimmed my lips on her cheek and pushed off. "Uh you, Jisoo don't tell her I visited." I demanded. "Please?" I said softening my voice a tad bit. Once she nodded I took one last look at Lisa and took regretful steps away.

I didn't mean for it to be this long but I thought you guys would like a description of what actually happens at the hospital. Tell me if you like it or not? Enjoy!

xxxx, PrettyPansexual.

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