I smiled, looking down. "I'm going to miss you very much." I then brought my hand up and laid it on his chest where his heart would be. 

"I love you, Evelyn," Guy smiled, running his hand through my hair and kissing me deeply. 

"I love you too," I breathed when we broke. 


I rode with Guy back to the castle because I wanted to see him leave safely. I couldn't bear seeing Guy leave and not seeing him for a while especially after our fight, but things seem to be fine. My heart wanted to follow him, but I was told to stay. I was thinking about things that could go wrong while he was gone when I heard a voice speak to me. 

"Come to see him off?" Allan questioned, walking up behind me. 

I turned and leaned against the hard wall. "I've come to see all of you off." 

"That's a surprise."

"Is it? I don't trust the Sheriff, so I want to say bye before he kills you." 

Allan chuckled and looked down at the ground. "None of us are going get killed." 

I sighed as I watched him slide his foot in the dirt. "I hope not... I'd miss you." 

That made Allan bring his head up and look at me with big eyes. "I'd miss you too. But really if I were to die... I'd go somewhere where you'd be, so the place wouldn't be so lonely." 

Giving him a smile that showed my teeth, I jumped forward and hugged Allan. At first, he was stunned and didn't know what to do, but when I buried my head in his shirt I felt his arms wrap around me, pulling me close. 

"Come home safely," I whispered, stepping back. 

Allan gave me a nod with a happy grin. "I will." 

I then turned my gaze in the direction of Guy, who was talking to the Sheriff, while Allan left. Guy spotted me and stalked over.

"Everything is packed and ready to go." He says, taking my hand in his.

I looked up at him. "So you guys will be leaving soon."

Guy gave me a nod. We walked down the stairs and stood infront of a carriage full of animal skins.

"We will. Waiting for the Sheriff and now I have Allan." Guy says.

"Can I join you?"

Guy holds out his left arm. "Of course."

We stroll into the castle and began our searching. Finding Allan knocked out on the ground, we were worried.

"I bet this was Marians doing." I say to Guy as I aid to Allan, who was just waking up.

"She's going to kill the sheriff." Allan mumbled while groaned. "She took my sword too."

I looked up at Guy, who was already running to the Sheriff. Helping Allan up, he too left me for the sheriff. I made my way back outside just in time. The Sheriff, Guy, Allan, and Marian, who was tied up were exiting the castle. The Sheriff and Marian got into the carriage. I waved at Guy to get his attention.

"What happened? Why is Marian going?" I questioned Guy as he walked over to me.

"I took the Sheriff about her being the Nightwatchmen. I don't think he trusts her alone."

"Well, I wouldn't either. And I certainly don't trust with you."

Guy puts his hand on my shoulder. "Everything will be fine, Evelyn. I will be back in no time." Guy leans down and kisses me softly, breaking and going in for more. He rubs the side of my cheek and looks deep in my eyes. "I love you." Then he leans down and rubs my belly. "I also love you." Guy kisses my belly before kissing me one more time.

"We love you too." I said, holding his hand as he got in the carriage that looked like a death trap.

I took a step back and saw Allan.

"I guess we are going to the Holy Land." He whispers to me.

"Well, in that case." I pulled Allan in for a hug. "Be careful and please come back." I whispered in his ear.

Breaking our hug, I looked up at Allan and held his hand.

"I will come back."

I reached into my pocket and pulled out the necklace Allan gave me so many nights ago. "Promise me that you and Guy will make it back safely."

Allan looked down at the necklace that was now in his hand. "I promise."

I gave him a nod and a smile as he jumped into the creepy carriage. I waved to them as they rode off and left Nottingham. Not knowing what will happen in the Holy Land is a big matter. It's probably going to be an attempt on killing the King like Guy and the Sheriff have been "planning" for so long. As I thought more about them going to the Holy Land... I started to get scared for Guy. He's not going to come home and my child will have no father growing up. I was not going to let that happen!

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