I buried my face in my hands, a hurricane of thoughts swirling in my mind. The words that had tumbled out of Mrs Costello's mouth still echoed in the back of my mind. 'You are the reason Shailey is in this mess. Stay away from her.'

Up till today, I have never imagined or thought about what if one day something bad would to happen to Shailey. I have never thought that one day I might actually lose her. I am fucking scared to lose her, I can't believe that fucker fled the scene without even apologising, not that it would help or I would forgive that bastard.

The large emergency sign above me continued to blink, just like how it was blinking a few hours ago. I couldn't stand sitting down anymore, my heart felt as though it was going to burst out of me any moment. I longed to swing open those doors to see with my own eyes if Shailey is alright. I know she is going to be, she is a strong girl. That's what I kept telling myself at least.

I stood up from where I was previously seated and started pacing up and down the aisle, heart thumping so loudly I could hear it in my head. I wish this was a nightmare and it would soon come to an end, but I know it isn't, as much as I wanted it to be.

Finally, the blinking stopped. The surgeon and nurses rushed out of the door and I watched as their lips curled upwards into small smiles, a look of relief plastered across their faces. "The operation was a success. But she is still unconscious and would need to stay in the hospital for further checkups," the nurse said, just loud enough for me to hear in a distance.

All of a sudden, the thumping of my heart seemed to disappear and was replaced with a slow, constant beat. My lips twitched upwards into a big smile. I knew it, my girl is strong. I have never felt this relieved and happy all at once, finally the lump in my chest and the weight on my shoulders were gone in an instant.

With the smile still on my face, I soon found myself running towards Shailey's parents. I was only a few steps away from them when Mrs Costello turned around with a raised eyebrow as she eyed me with distaste. "Didn't I tell you to stay away?" I opened my mouth, about to say something when she interrupted. "Don't ever come back."

And that's it, I turned on my heels and walked away, turning back only once to see Shailey being pushed out of the emergency room, her face still slightly pale, her eyes shut but there's a peaceful look on her face. I don't know why I didn't fight for more. I guess all I wanted was to see for myself that Shailey was okay and I did.

Later that night, I waited right outside her ward, holding a cup of black coffee in my hands as I sat on the plastic chair. They tried to push me away, they tried asking me to go back home but I refused. I realised how stupid I was to leave earlier and when I was about to get into the cab, I decided to head back to the hospital instead.

Everyone had left and I wasn't exactly allowed to inside the ward so I just stood outside, looking at Shailey through the glass window. Tons of tubes were attached to her, a small machine beeping beside her, surrounded by her family. Tears filled the brim of my eyes as my lips curled into a small smile. I just can't believe I almost lost her to some reckless driver. I'm just so damn glad she's alright and alive.

I would sit outside every other day, waiting for the day her eyes would flutter open, waiting for her to tell me she's alright.

As usual, I would sit outside with my coffee, except I got bored of coffee so I had tea instead. After getting my tea from the vending machine, I slowly made my way to the same ward I have been walking to for the past 3 days.  Without really looking up, I almost bumped into one of the nurses who was rushing by.

On instinct, I would dodge and the plastic cup fell out of my grip, spilling tea all over the floor as a result.

A girl dressed in a hospital gown walked by and I watched as she lost her balance, her hair swinging wildly. I immediately reached out and my arms wrapped around her body, catching her before her body hits the ground.

The girl looked at me, her green eyes go wide before her lips curled upwards into one of the brightest smiles. "Jax."

I reached up to tuck a piece of stray hair behind her ear as a smirk morphed itself onto my lips.

"Hey Shailey."

                                  -the end-

Hey guys! So this is the end of Catch me when I fall for you! Hope y'all actually get it and don't think it's bad or that it's too sudden 😅 I have been thinking about it for a really long time and I decided this is the ending I wanted. Not exactly a happy one but not exactly a sad one HAHA get it?

Hope y'all like it and don't forget to vote, comment and share! 🙆🏻💗 Thank you to everyone who read up till here, your support means the world to me 💞✨Love you guys lots

Much love,
Rachel xoxo

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