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Soooooo~ Just a little something I decided to do, only took about 15ish minutes to do as well...

Hope you guys enjoy


1: Reader is entirely based off my personality. Basically while I type I always think to myself. What would I do?....

90% of the time I would scream a lot of profanities....

Other 10% of the time, I actually do something useful....

2: Almost every single one of Shade's 'actions' are dictated by my best friend Green. He's basically shade (also means he's a little shit)

3: When I was still indecisive about the imperial arms the second option was based entirely off of Artorias from Dark souls. Reader would have gotten a sword (his imperial arms) called the Abysswalker. His powers would be...well... complicated... and a terrible idea...

He would have increased swordplay and strength thanks to being an imperial arms himself.

He would wear Artorias' armour providing both a disguise and protective armour.

His sword would be able to shoot both dark and light energy out of the weapon. Although I really didn't think this part through that much at the time...

Plus if this imperial arms was the chosen favorite, Shade's personality would be a lot different.

4: I found Seyru's actual character in Akame ga kill a bit...dull. It felt like she needed a bit of redeeming so I kinda did change her character around a lot. Making her very much Out Of Character. Although I have been doing my best to keep her the same character for the most part.

5: I actually got the nickname Es-bitch from when I first read the Manga. At the time, I was trying to introduce Green into the series and could not remember her name, so I eventually just got a bit frustrated at the fact and called her Es-bitch. The name kinda stuck...

6: Esdeath's character is by far, the hardest character to write. I honestly have no idea what to do with her half the time, the only time I really feel like I can do her character well is when she is fighting someone (Reader)

7: At the beginning of this story (or at least in the rewrite) Shade mentions both overwatch and dark souls. And as mentioned before, Shade is somewhat based off of my friend Green...

He sucks at both games xD

8: I am genuinely impressed by a lot of my reader's. I read every comment and I have actually seen a few of you(You know who you are) Speculating what happens next thanks to something Reader has done. Although most of the time you guys aren't always completely correct, you make some really good theories. Like, damn. I'm very much impressed.

9: If any of you have seen/read Boku no hero, I have somewhat based some of readers fighting style off of Bakugou. I don't know why, but the way he uses his explosions just seems like something that can also be done easily with an imperial arms like Reader's.

10: Earlier I mentioned that my character (Red) is practically gonna be my version of Stan Lee. This does not mean my stories are connected, I was trying to say that in each of my stories, Red will appear. I don't know why, I just thought it would be a funny and stupid idea.

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