Chapter Two

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Leonardo's point of view

The bells start ringing and I hurry to zip up my suit and slide down the pole. I love doing this, but I always worry I'm not fast enough. I get there seconds before everyone else and it helps calm my nerves.

"What is it this time, boss?" I shout over the engine as I swing myself in.

"Earthquake at the hospital in Dixenville." He replies. Ten minutes away, we got this.

"How bad is the damage?" I inquire now worrying about how many people might be dieing right now. I sigh and slam my hat on my head. Might as well be prepared.

The ride there is silent, all of us in our own world, thinking the worst of what the damage is.

As we pull up, all I see is rubble. Whatever we imagined couldn't compare to what happened here. My mouth is open and I snap out of it and rush out. There was no fire, thankfully. But there is a lot of people still inside.

A group of nurses and the sickly people they were taking care of. One nurse, Jaimie, seems to be the calmest so I approach her.

"Who all is still in there?" I ask, pointing at the heap of rubble that was once a hospital.

"Calina, D... Darlene, and Linda." She stutters. I thank her and move in to the next question.

" Do you know what part they were in?"

"Calina was w...with Darlene in the back left corner, bottom floor, and Linda was in the front." She replies, obviously shaken. I decide to leave her alone and search the site for the missing people.

I begin moving pieces of drywall and glass and dig beneath. Moving farther in when the search comes to nothing.

"Hey, Leonardo, over here, I got someone!" Fred shouts over to me. I scramble towards him, stumbling over concrete. Together, we move a rather large piece of debris and see a hand. The fingernails are all broken and she has cuts on her arm. Hurrying to lift the other piece I see she has blonde hair. I pull her out and immediatly find a pulse. It's barely there, but it's something.

I rush to the ambulance and doctor's rush Otto get her on a stretcher. Pointing to a nurse, I wave her over. She stumbles slightly and when she sees the girl she starts crying.

"No, no, no, not Linda, poor Linda. What about her family..." She rambles on and I grab her shoulder.

"This is Linda?" I ask. She nods her head and I tell everyone that we are still looking for Calina and Darlene.

I move to the farthest corner and chuck piece after piece behind me. I hear someone groan and I freeze. Hearing it again and it comes from my right, I scramble over and begin moving pieces with haste. Seeing two girls, they are tangled together and I pull the one on top out. Sparks ignite along my skin as I touch her, I gasp and quickly set her down.

Mate. My wolf whispers.

I know, but we need to get the other girl as well. I say back. He falls silent and I pick the other girl up as well. But I find I can only carry one at a time so I yell for help.

"Timothy, I need some help over here!" I shout for my best friend. "Coming!" He shouts back, already jogging towards me. He immediately picks up Darlene and I grab my broken and bleeding mate. What am I going to do?

I am twenty nine years old, and I just found my mate, I have been waiting for her forever. I've waited, having never been with another girl. Knowing that she was out there, why would I? Sure mean, I have kissed girls, but never more than once, and that was to see if she could potentially be someone I could love. They never were so I gave up and started focusing on my job more and more.

The ambulances take the three of them away and I hope that none of them die. But with the injuries that they have, it could be possible.

Daniel's point of view

I rush to the hospital after hearing the news. She is never working again, I can't risk it. My heart races as I near the hospital in Fender, twenty miles away from where I worked.

I have loved Calina since the day I met her, the fact that I might just lose her makes me feel sick. I don't know what I would do without her, her constant company makes me feel loved, warm, and safe. Without her I would be empty.

I speed down the road, but no one stops me. It's like they can read my mind and know where I am going. I slam on my brakes as I near a stop light and turn right. Pulling into the parking lot I sprint inside.

"Where is she, where is Calina Dater?" I beg the receptionist.

"Room three hundred thirty-eight, second floor." She says in the same monotone voice after she looks at her chart. I sprint towards the elevator and slam my hand on the button four. I can barely wait until the door open to make it to where room.

When I open the door, I see a strange guy in a firefighter suit. He sits by her end and is holding her hand in his. She is looking into his eyes and smiling. "Who are you?" I ask through clenched teeth.

"Daniel, he's my mate." Calina whispers, her eyes twinkling with a light that I could never put there. She seems so happy that in that moment I can't contradict her.

"Okay, can you get out." The way I said it wasn't a question and he growls when he stands up. He is taller than me and a lot bigger as well. I refuse to stand down though, I am an alpha, but so is he.

"Do you really think I am going to leave my mate with you, a guy I don't know, and don't want to know?"

"No I don't, but I do expect you to leave her alone with her husband." I say back, his eyes widen as I said that and he looks between the two of us before storming out.

"Leonardo, wait." Calina calls out. I growl and take her outstretched hand in mine. "How did you meet him?" I ask her, her ocean blue eyes meet mine.

"He saved me." He saved her when I couldn't, I can't stand it anymore. Why can't she just forget about mates, she married me, not him. "Whatever, I'm leaving, your mate can be with you." I reply.

I stalk out the door, beyond mad, who does he think he is, butting his ugly head into our personal life? Everything was fine before he came. She was happy. And now she is happier. Shut up. No one asked you. We make her happy just fine. She has never complained about us once.

Maybe she has, we just weren't the ones she was complaining to. My wolf reasons. No she wouldn't do that, she's not like that.

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