Part 17: Five Years Are Long Enough

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Five years later...

Max landed on an island. "I guess we can stay here for a while, what do you think?" he moved his head aside sniffing the air. "Max?" he looked at me and made confusing sound. "What's wrong?" I patted his head as he pointed to the left. "Let's check what's there" in the same moment he pushed me "Wha-hey!" he shook his head "What's wrong with you? There's nothing dangerous" he made sounds as if he's trying to tell me something. "Everything will be alright" I started walking, Max walking behind me" Everything was silent. "I don't know what you're so worried about" in that moment a voice is heard. I continued walking towards it.

As I passed by a tree I saw a familiar face. "Is this real?" A girl spoke while she walked towards me. No matter how many years passed I could still recognize her. Time didn't have effect on Willow. "No, I must be dreaming again" she approached me with widened eyes. I laughed a bit "You're not. I'm really here" suddenly she hugged me "You jerk I thought I'll never see you again!!", "Agh Willow I-can't..breathe.." she hugged me like a bear. Even if she's a girl she has a strong hug. I could hear her laughing "Shut up" as she let go of me I took a deep breath. "It's good to see you again..", "Just good?" she raised an eyebrow and we laughed. "Great actually", "That's better", "Anyway..what are you doing here?" her face became serious "What do you mean? Do you even know where you are?" I looked around "Um.." as my eyes looked around she yelled "Berk!!" my eyes widened. How did I get here?! "What?!", "How didn't you recognize it?" really? How didn't I? "It's different.."

She nodded "Yeah..." I was still looking around "Everything changed", "It's been five years, Hayden..." I looked down. I know how many years passed, I counted every day and night. "How are the others?" she looked at me and I looked back. "Hiccup is the chief", "Well that's something new" she laughed " changed..." her voice lowered as she said that "How?" she shrugged "Like you're not Hayden I knew..." I sighed "Of course, five years are long time", "Not long enough, am I right?" I know what she's talking about. "You're wrong" she looked in my eyes "It's more than enough" My face became serious and hers too. "Are you sure?" her tone was proving that she is concerned "Yes, as you said, everything changed and so did I."

She stayed silent for few minutes "Do you want to see the others?" I smiled a bit "That would be nice, I missed them" We started walking to the village. Indeed everything changed, no wonder I didn't recognize it. "Willow!!" I saw a blonde girl as she landed and started running towards us. "Where have you been?" Willow smiled at her "Look who I found" as she pointed at me Astrid's eyes landed on me. "It's nice to see you again" her eyes widened "Hayden?" I nodded. Her jaw opened "You-you finally came back!" I smiled a bit "Finally?", "Well we always hoped you'll come back" Willow coughed "Did I forgot to mention that?" I nodded "Yes, yes you did", "My bad", "Come on! Hiccup will be happy am to see you again!!" Astrid started to drag me towards the Great Hall.

"Hiccup!!" When we came she screamed his name "What happened?" he walked towards us "Astrid, Willow and-" he became silent as he saw me, I couldn't help but smile a bit "Hiccup, or should I call you chief?", "You're here!", "Yeah I am" he smiled back "How? What did you do all these years?", "That's a long story" he nodded "I believe, but we have enough time during the dinner" dinner? "I actually didn't know I'm in Berk", "Don't worry, we have more houses than we need, you can stay in one" I nodded "Thanks".

Everybody was on the dinner. It is nice to see them again. I really missed them. I'm not the only one who changed. Everybody did. It feels great to talk with them again. Everyone was there, except one person. Corinne was nowhere to be seen. Nobody mentioned her and I didn't ask. It doesn't even matter. I'll probably stay here, but I don't know for how long. "Do you remember when I kicked your ass?" Snothlout laughed. "Umm no I don't remember that","Neither do I" Willow talked next "That's because it never happened" Ruffnut said looking at Snothlout "Of course it did, first day he came", "Actually Snothlout you kicked your own ass" Hiccup said and everybody started laughing. "Now that's something I remember" in the next moment the door of the Great Hall opened.

I didn't notice that I stopped breathing while two persons walked to our table. They didn't notice me. "I apologize for being late" guy said and Hiccup shook his head "Don't worry about it", "What did we miss?" Snotlout was next who spoke "Our old friend decided to come back after five years" everyone's eyes landed on me. I could hear a girl gasping, but a guy stood silent. I didn't look at them, since they came I was looking in front of me, at the table. "It's nice to see you again, old friend" I finally looked at guy's eyes. "Unfortunately I can't say the same" he laughed a bit "Something's funny?", "No, not really. Oh I almost forgot, why don't you say hi to my wife" my eyes went on the girl. She changed, but stayed the same at the same time. She wasn't looking at me. Her eyes were looking down.

"I'm too busy at the moment, maybe later" in that moment she looked at me and he grasped her hand as if she'll escape. "Why don't you guys sit down and eat? It'll get cold" Hiccup spoke nervously. They did as he said. While we were eating Snotlout and the twins were talking while the others were silent. I can't take it anymore, I have to get out of here. "It's late, I should go", "See you tomorrow?" Jayden asked. "Only Thor knows" with that I stood up and walked outside. As the cold air hit my face I could hear someone following me, but I didn't turn back. "Hayden wait!" I didn't, I couldn't, I just continued to walk towards the house Hiccup gave me. I shut the door behind me until someone opened them abruptly.

"Hayden!" it was Willow "What is he doing here?!" I turned and looked her in the eyes "I'll explain just calm down.." a laugh escaped my mouth "Calm down..calm down! Don't you know who he is?! Did you forget what he did?!?" she looked down a bit "I did not forget... Just..please calm down so we can talk normally..." I could barely think right but after some minutes my breathing came to normal. She looked at me again "It's a pretty long story...","I guess we have time" she sighed "Okay, I'll tell you everything in one condition. You won't try to kill or hurt him" I thought for a moment "Condition changes if he does anything what could piss me off" she stayed silent, she knows how much I hate him, it's obvious. A sigh escaped from her lips "Alright", "Now tell me, what happened after I left?".

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