Chapter 6

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Nirvana's P.O.V

~in dream~

I banged on the coffin, trying to get out, but making no progress. I tried to move around only to realize that, I was laying on black roses, and a white rose in my hand. All of a sudden a hand grabbed my ankle and started hissing. "Get off!! Get off!!" I yelled while shaking my leg, which just angered him. Because, before I knew it, he started screaming so loud that I had to cover my ears. "You're worthless. You're pathetic. I wish I never had you." The thing seemed to whisper inside my head while screaming. Then, as I stared at it, it started to look like my mother.

"Mom.......why would you say that? You never said it before......" 

 "Oww!!" I said because all of a sudden sunlight hit my eyes. did I end up here? 

"It's okay. You're okay now. And don't believe anything anyone tells you in this dream. Besides me, okay?" I looked up to see Jacob looking down at me. Then he bent down and reached his hand out towards mine. I hesitantly took his hand, and he quickly pulled me out of the coffin. Or what I thought was a coffin.

"L...Lu....Lucas?" When I looked down I saw Lucas with his arms he was holding someone. Or was.

"Next time, Nirvana. Next time." He said, before disappearing. Man, this dream is freaky as hell. I shook my head and looked around the meadow.

"Beautiful isn't it?" I turned around to answer Jacob, only to find myself speechless. He had wings, and lord help me, he was shirtless. I gaped openly, suprised at the turn of events.

"Enoying the view?" He smirked and walked over to me, and put his lips at my collarbone. I moaned softly, before hearing a whispered sorry, and feeling a sharp pain.

*change scene*

Suddenly I found myself in Lucas's arms, and I wasn't pulling away.

"I knew you would choose me over some angel." He said the word disgustingly, but all I could focus on was his lips. An inner part of me screamed that this wasn't right, I shouldn't be doing this. But I shoved the voice deep down, grabbed Lucas's head, and crashed my lips against his. At first he was suprised, but he quickly dominated the kiss, and I loved it. It's just something with him that makes me so.......................not like me. I leaned back...and back...and back...until I realized I was falling.

And suddenly.................................


I quickly got up, and found that I had just fallen off the chair. "Oww, that kinda hurt." I rubbed my head          and got up.

"Finally!!!! You sleep for too long!" Lexi pulled me up and dragged me towards the front door.

"You're kicking me out?"

"No! I'm planning something.......and you can't be here." I caught a glimpse of an evil glint in her eyes before she slammed the door shut.

"I guess I have to walk. Great......." I sighed and headed towards home.

*20 minutes later*

"Dad! I'm home!" I yelled as I walked through the door. Weird....... he's not home. I walked into the kitchen and found a note. 

Dear Nirvana,

I have been thinking about moving. I know you will oppose this, but the twins and I would like to move. So, we found a town far enough away, but not too far. We found a house and everything. And, even though you're still my little girl, I'll let you make your own decision. You can choose to move in with us, or you can stay there. If you decide to stay there, Lexi's parents will check on you, and take care of you. We can see each other every weekend, and during breaks and holidays, we can go over there, or you can come up here. I hope you don't hate me for this.



I shook my head and put the note down. I can't believe he would think that I could hate him. If this is the way him and the twins deal with Mom, then I'm okay with it. Plus, I'll see them quite a bit still. I went upstairs and saw their rooms empty. Then I went to mine and plopped down on my bed. I don't mind being alone I guess. I closed my eyes, feeling dreadfully tired, despite how much I've slept already.

"I should probably tell Lexi though." I mumbled, and rolled over. I was just about to grab my phone when it started to get cold.

"Ohh noo." I scrambled to get up, and ran towards my door, looking back to make sure Lucas wasn't there. Then I bumped into something solid.

"Hey babe."

"Lucas..." I took a step back and stopped myself from remembering the dream.

"Ahhhh, you remembered. And I remember that dream you had. It was ended too early in my opinion." He wiggled his eyebrows and reached for my arm. I quickly moved out of the way, almost..... inhumanly fast. He stared at me then made a grab for me again. I wasn't paying attention so he caught me easily.

"Let me go!" I struggled against his grip, but he tightened it. I felt cold spread throughout my body, and I was pretty sure I was going to start turning blue soon.

"I'll let you go when we get to my place." Then he unfurled his black wings. I stared at his beautiful wings, and reached out to touch one. He hissed when I touched it, so I pulled my hand back. Then, he looked at my ceiling and concentrated on it until a hole appeared. He crouched down, but something came through the ceiling.

"Ahh!" It collided with us, and I was somehow shoved away. I ended up hitting my head on my dresser. They started fighting, and I realized that the thing, was actually an angel. With white wings that sparkled like diamonds. They were going to fast for me to see who was winning, but I stayed beside my dresser waiting for it to end.

"See you soon Nirvana." Lucas flew away, and my ceiling returned back to normal.

"You okay?" The angel asked, and he looked oddly familiar.

"Yeah.......I think." I shivered involuntarily, still feeling cold. He seemed to sense that, so he came over and held his hand out. I looked at his hand, and took it. He pulled me towards my bed, layed down, and pulled me next to him. I blushed as I just realized he was shirtless, but he pulled me closer yet, and I could feel myself warming up. I sighed happily and snuggled into him. He wrapped his arms around me, then his wings.

"Goodnight Nirvana." He said before kissing my forehead.

And as I started drifting off into sleep, I just realized who he was.


Hey there! Chapter 6 is up and running! Yay! :D  And opinions on the characters so far?? Good, bad? And the million dollar question...................who is the angel? First one to comment AND get it right, gets the next chapter dedicated to them! Until next chapter!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2012 ⏰

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