Chapter 3

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~ 7 September ~

It was really quite in the Shigami mansion. They hardly anyone except little Samuru. His brother Shinsuke has gone to school, his father has a meeting with a client, his mother is taking his younger brother Sasuku to the doctor for a check up, Sora has gone out with his grandfather for a meeting with the government and Sakura has singing lesson.

But for Samuru, today is an important day for him. His mother's birthday is tomorrow and he decided to go out to the town to buy her a present. Although his grandfather don't like him to go out but he will not be alone. A bodyguard will accompany him.

He had everything he need to go out. His bag that is full of money that he  save, his bottle and a phone. His grandfather said he must always bring that phone anywhere he goes.

He then went out with his bodyguard at his side and get in the car. The driver brought him to a store that he ask for. The first store is a flower shop. He want to buy his mother's favorite flower that his dad had brought for her once. After that they went to a music shop. Not long ago, Samuru and his family have gone to this shop to buy a piano for Sakura.

He saw his mother look at a beautiful music box that produce a beautiful song and it was his mother favorite song. So he decided to buy it for his mother. After that, they went to buy a wrapping paper and a box to put the present in.

After all things settle, he decide to went to the park to buy his favorite ice cream. The park is not really far from his home so he decide to walk home rather than riding a car. As he walk, he talk to the bodyguard about his surprise. The bodyguard listen patiently to the boy.

As the turn the corner of the rood, the bodyguard felt an suspicious atmosphere so he decide to walk closer with his young master. That's went a man suddenly attack him. It make him and the boy surprise. The bodyguard who has been train immediately defend himself to protect his young master. His ask the boy to run to the house while he distracted him. The boy who was scare nod and run as far as he could.

He didn't even turn back. But surprisingly the man suddenly appear in front of him. He look back to see the bodyguard lying down unconscious. He run back to get away from the man until he meet a dead man. The boy wimp. He turn to see the man block his way. He walk backwards as the man walk forward to him. As the boy meet with the wall, he knew that he has no way to run. Tears flowing down, he was really scare. The man took the opportunity to grab the boy. The boy struggle to get away but the sweat smell the he smell from the cloth that the man use make him feel sleepy and his world went dark. The man who is now holding the boy, brought him into his car and drove him away from his house, his family.

~ A few hours later ~

Shinsuke has just come home for school. But the atmosphere in the house is different than before. Everyone look panic like something just happen. He saw his father talking to the phone with a worry look. Every bodyguard went in and out the house like the searching for something and report it to his grandfather. Sora looks like gonna cry and Sakura look so stress.

Just then his mother walk in with Sasuku in her arm. She is also confuse with the scene and decide to ask her husband.

Saya: Gennusuke, what all the commotion?

Gennusuke: *sigh* *worry face* Samuru haven't come back from the town.

That news make his mother worry. She has a worry look at her face. She immediately put Sasuku down and ask for detail.

Saya: *worry* What do you mean he hasn't back? Where did he go?

Gennusuke: The maid say he go out to the town with a bodyguard to buy something. The haven't come back since then

Saya: How about the bodyguard?

Gennusuke: We are trying to find him. Most likely Samuru has disappear.

Shin: What do you mean Samuru disappear?!

Although Shin knows is impolite to interrupt his parents when they are talking but after hearing Samuru disappearance, he can't hold back himself.

Shin: Where's Samuru? Where's my brother?

Gennusuke: They are look for him right now.

Just then the door burst open, everyone saw a bodyguard who likely injured come in. His clothes was ripe off and his have a deep wound at his left arm.

Everyone immediately go to the bodyguard. Questions coming out from everyone.

Gennusuke: What happen?

The bodyguard: Master, someone try attack the young master. I protect him and ask him to run here.

Gennusuke: What?! Then where is Samuru now?

The bodyguard: *surprise* He isn't here.

Nishio: More importantly, what have Samuru been doing at the town anyway. Is not his style to go out.

The bodyguard: He went out to buy a present.

All: A present?!

The bodyguard explain everything that he been doing until the attackers appear. Everyone was surprise to heard Samuru went out just to buy a present for Saya.

Saya: A present for me.

The bodyguard: Yes. The young master said that he went to buy this for you. *hand over a box*

Saya open the box and surprise to see a music box and a flower. She cry as she saw a card inside that said happy birthday that was written by Samuru handwriting. Then Sora notice a little box beside the music box. Saya open it and surprise to see a handmade necklace.

She cry uncontrollably. Her son has go out just to buy her a present and disappear because of it. Gennusuke try to calm his wife. Sora and Sasuku cry because their brother disappear while Sakura and Shin try to hide their tear under their bangs.

The company try to track Samuru phone but it was still nothing. Nishio has call the police and now investigating about Samuru disappearance. The news has been talking about the missing Samuru but still no result. The police assume that Samuru has been kidnap. That day was the day that Saya lost a child.

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