CHAPTER I. The Sankin Kotai

Start from the beginning

Queen Hannah was spared from the taint as she and her dragon, Horace, were outside of Milton, fortifying the barrier wall which as it turned out, by a very lucky happenstance, prevented the spread of the dark taint to other realms; but, it also had the unintended consequence of confining all those tainted by the dark to within this wall that surrounded the whole of Milton - from the land boundaries to the Milton's territorial seas, 12 nautical miles from land. As a result, Hannah became the only Milton Mage untouched by darkness and left to rule a dying Kingdom.  Ever so determined, she was not about to give up hope for her people and all others trapped within the Milton Wall. Many in despair and in hunger tried to escape via the sea route when the land route proved fatal but to no avail. Queen Hannah was very thorough with her wall that she has called, "a ring of steel" to shut in the dark force. It did indeed encircle all of Milton including the sea front where the Dark Force landed and started their final attack. She had in fact, just completed building the sea wall to cut off the escape of the Dark, and began fortifying her "ring of steel" when the curse was released.      

Undaunted at the great task ahead of her, she enlisted her brother, Shaw, to come up with a cure to lift the curse.  Thinking of her people, she in consultation with her son, devised a system to support Milton during this time of sorrow and suffering.  To ensure that none of the other realms, would rise up against her and Milton, her son, Lord Thornton devised the Sankin-Kotai, a system for controlling the other 6 rulers of the North and South.  This "visiting cycle" compelled the other rulers to bring their entire immediate family and household to Milton every 3rd year to "be presented in front of the Royal High Court", give tithes, host balls and be the "Queen's Guests" for the year.  It also forced the visiting lieges to give up selected daughters and other young ladies in their retinue, to any mage lord who "blessed them" to be the mage lords' handmaid or concubine but never a wife, as they are but common ladies, not fit to be a mage's wife. 

Most of the other rulers resented this practice and have sought reprieve but little relief was found. Immunity from "these blessings" came at great cost and even if an "immunity contract" is challenged and tried by the Milton Court (who had jurisdictional authority), the verdict always favors the mage. The only "immunity contracts" that have held up are "the blood pacts" but they are so rare and so expensive, hardly anyone could afford them. Most "visitors" just hide their women in their private chambers all year to prevent such "a blessing." In fact, only two "immunity blood pacts" existed, one for Edith Shaw and the other for Margaret Hale, Lord Bell, Lord Adam's new title as the clan bearer with the death of his father, 6 brothers and all other male issues, negotiated these concessions for his granddaughters from Queen Hannah (herself). Upon consultation with his daughters and son-in-laws, Lord Bell made the following concessions:  1. Payment of double tithes from Helstone, 2. Selling of shares from the Healing Institute Firm to the Queen's personal treasury and one-third of the profits from the sales of medicinal products and technology patented by Lord Shaw, 3. The immediate aid of Lord Bell and His dragon, Maisie, to defend Milton if asked by the ruler of Milton and 4. The removal of Lady Shaw and young Edith from London to move to Milton which Lady Shaw, though loves her husband, is very much reluctant to do, citing her health and her daughter's health as the issue.  Lord Bell after much deliberation with Lady Anne Shaw convinced his daughter to leave London and move to Milton with her daughter, Edith, to take their proper place besides her husband, Lord Shaw, who missed his wife and child dearly.  In exchange, the Queen promised Lady Edith Shaw and Lady Margaret Hale "perpetual immunity" from the "blessings" and gave them the freedom to choose their husbands when the time for the matrimonial bond comes to pass. Lord Bell also insisted that the Blood Pact be signed jointly by mage and dragon blood making the blood pact incontrovertible and binding.    

The blood pact did much to ease Lord Bell's mind. He worried for his gentle daughter, Anne, being exposed to such coarse and harsh society but at least; he knew that Lord Shaw loved his wife and will keep her and his granddaughter safe. He has done all he can to protect his kin and can only pray that his granddaughters will grow up to be women of courage, grace, intellect and virtue. Hopefully, one day in the future, they would find their true love, like he did and live happily all their life long. Lord Bell had hoped to get a further concession to exempt Lord Richard Hale, King of Helstone from the Sankin Kotai. But, on that, Hannah was much determined. He even approached Lord Thornton to speak on his behalf but was flatly rejected as well. Resigned, Lord Bell prepared his family's keep in Milton to welcome his southern family. If his family must live in Milton, they will not live in one of Queen Hannah's palaces where they would have no privacy and would be subjected to all the tittle-tattle of Milton. If his children and grandchildren must remove to Milton every 3rd year. They will have comfort and peace. Crampton Crescent, his ancestral home is quite big enough to accommodate his family and their retinue. A very private man, Lord Adam Bell hated these "visiting cycles." Going to functions and entertaining these bloody mages are not his cup of tea. He hates the Sankin Kotai!

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