Who you Have 4 hour phone calls with and what is it usually about

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Aquarius: hoodie (where you like to go on long walks)

Cancer: Ben ( your fav character from a video game)

Taurus: Kageko (where to see a good movie)

Virgo: zero(Life)

Sagittarius: laughing jack (telling each other funny jokes)

Leo: Eyeless jack (where to go on your first date ;) *wink* *wink* )

Aries: Liu (family and friends)

Scorpio: Dark link (Your enemy's)

Gemini: bloody painter(music and art)

Capricorn: Jeff ( your collection of knives)

Libra: masky( CHEESECAKE)

Pisces: Toby (waffles, s'mores, and lots and lots. Of waffle oh did I mention waffles and waffles)

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