Chp. 2

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Hope you guys liked the first chapter and remember Some characters, statements, items and places are from the games, I DO NOT OWN THEM!!!!

        I grasp my doll, to afraid to let go. I think my trembling is noticeable because my sister holds me tightly. I look out the window and see tons of different kinds of fish and different colored coral. I look around and see other terrified children too. Parents mostly sit there and stare at random things. We come to a very loud stop, the submarine door opens, and 3 people come in: Andrew Ryan, and two women who I don't know of. One of the women has blonde hair, is skinny, and has glasses. The other woman has brown hair, is about average in size, and looks very pretty. I turn to Mr. Ryan and he says "We will separate you into groups please remain seated. Just so you know this is Sophia Lamb and Brigid Tenenbaum. We will be leading you to your hotel rooms, Ms. Lamb will be taking the teenagers, Ms. Tenenbaum will be taking the children, and I will be leading the adults. Please stay behind your assigned leaders, so you don't get lost." With my doll in my right hand, I walk up to Ms. Tenenbaum and stand there quietly. She then looks down at me and says "Pretty little girl, what is your name?" I smile and say "Lily Rozelle Anderson."  She smiles and then walks us out of the sub into a large hall. When I look up I see a huge sign that says 'Welcome To Rapture'. We keep walking and she tells us where things are in cause we need or want to go there. All the kids are gone by the time we get to my hotel room. Before she gives me the key to the room she turns to me and says "Lily, be careful around here, you could easily get lost." She hugs me and says "I like you, be safe." I nod and she hands me the key. "Thank you." I say as she starts to walk away. "Your welcome." She replies. I take the key and open the door. I see my sister pacing, once she looks over and see me standing there, she runs over and gives me a hug. I smile at her and say "Where's dad?" "I don't know I thought maybe he saw you and was taking you to our hotel room. Do you know someone we could ask?" She asks. "Yes I do." I say confidently. I grab my sister's hand and walk out the door. "Who are you going to ask?" She asks. "Ms. Tenenbaum." I add quickly. I run as quick as I can toward her office. My sister abruptly stops. "What's wrong?" I ask. "Well, what if she doesn't know?" "We have to hope for the best!" I say. I drag her the rest of the way to the door of her office. When I look up I see a golden plaque that reads 'Brigid Tenenbaum.' I take my left hand and slowly turn the door knob. I look and see Sophia Lamb and Brigid Tenenbaum talking. I walk up to Ms. Lamb and say "Excuse me mam, do you know where I can find Dave Anderson?" Sophia looks down at me and pats the top of my head. "I think he is volunteering to try adam and plasmids." She then looks up at my sister. "How old are you?" "Fifteen." She says quickly. "Well we need a teenage girl to try it out also, would you be willing to? I mean, you could bring your little sister if you would like." Jane looks down at me, I stand there, waiting for her to reply. "I guess." She stutters. "Good. Come this way." Sophia adds. I clutch on to my sisters hand, not wanting to lose my way. Sophia stops at a metal door and says "Wait one moment." She presses a red button on the side the door way and says 'Dr. Sophia Lamb.' Then I hear a machine voice say  "Welcome Dr. Sophia Lamb." Ms. Lamb nods her head in approval then gestures for us to walk in. They have three white hospital beds placed in the middle of the room. "What's your name my dear?" Ms. Lamb asks. "Jane Rosanne Anderson." "Well than Jane, please lay on that bed over there." Jane lets go of my hand and walks over to the bed. I turn around and Sophia is standing. "Sweet little girl, come sit over here." She then points to the third bed. "We also need a little girl to try it out, would you like to?" She asks. "Umm. Sure Ms. Lamb." "Aww, your so adorable. Lye down." I lye down on the bed and hold my dress in my hands. I roll over on my  side and look at Sophia. She grabs a syringe with a red substance inside it, then says "Now girls, you're father has already gotten this injected in his arm, his body is getting used to the new liquid, so he is a different lab sleeping it off, I should say. Jane it will take your body about an hour, as for you, little girl, it will take half an hour. When you wake up your allowed to wait for your sister if you'd like." I nod, then lay flat on my back. I look to the side and see Dr. Lamb stick the needle in and the the button down to release the substance into her body. Jane starts trembling but then falls fast asleep. My eyes grow wide, then I see Dr, Lamb walk over and say, "Little girl, I promise, you won't feel a thing." I nod, then tightly grip my purple dress. She sticks the needle in my arm and then I fall fast asleep.

                  When I wake, I see father waiting, he finally sees my face, runs over, and gives me a hug. "Daddy." I whisper. "Hey, your sister's got 25 more minutes." I walk over, pull up a chair, and hold my sister's hand. Every few minutes some of her hair would fall into her face, so I would tuck them back behind her ear. I look at her, still beautiful, eyes shut, hair somewhat behind her back. So nice, if you know her well. Just as I take another look at her shut eyes, they flutter open. She takes a look at me and smiles. She shoots up and gives me a hug. "Nice to see you." I say. "You too." She replies. Dr. Lamb walks in the door with two cotton balls. She rubs one on my skin, the other on Jane's, then quickly walks back out the door. We wait for a couple minutes, then she walks back in. She steps into the middle of the room and says "Mr. Anderson, your powers have taken effect, which plasmid would you like? We have Electro Bolt, Incinerate, and Winter Blast." My father sits there for a moment then says "Electro Bolt." "Wonderful choice, I just need you to hold out your arm please." My father holds out his arm, she takes a smaller needle with another red substance and uses it in his arm. "Well, all you have to do is snap your fingers to activate and deactivate it." She steps back out into the middle of the room and says "Little girl, I'm sorry to tell you, but yours seems to be taking effect, but in a different way. Jane however, yours has taken effect. Which plasmid would you like, remember, there's Electro Bolt, Incinerate, and Winter Blast." My sister thinks for a moment then says "Incinerate." "Also, a wonderful choice." My sister holds out her arm, then Dr. Lamb injects her. "Always remember to snap your fingers to activate and deacticvate your plasmids. Also, you need eve to replenish your usage of your plasmids." She takes a box that she had under her clipboard, hands it to my father, and says "In here are 30 eve hypos, don't lose them. And now you are free to go." My father nods and we walk out the door.

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