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What is a love story? I always ask myself. Well definitely not what people write in books, or what you see in movies. Real life love story is something that hits you hard and breaks you, or something you don't give attention to.

*back to school*

My mind says 'I still hate school', and that's right. I really hate school. It's boring, we learn some sh*t ( excuse me for my language).
Anyway, let's get through this day. First class done. Yay. 7 more. Oh well.
*ring ring* my phone says. New message.
'Come outside, we meet in the corridor. Josh'
*in my mind* 'Oh my.. why's he want to meet me. Oh, well, weird. Ok.
I answer him with an 'Ok. One sec.' and walk towards the door, with excitement and worried and with loads of other feelings. I also think of me meeting my crush, 'cause of course he has to be in the same school. Oh well. It's gonna be a weird day/week/year?
As I open the door, my eyes meet with Josh's. He is taller than me, and let me tell you I am definitely not the short girl. I am 5.6/5.7 feet tall. And he's taller than me. TALLER. IS HE HUMAN ?
Anyway. He salutes me, hugs me, like I'd do with Jessica. (I really wasn't used to this.) So, we start talking, about everything that comes in our minds. We end up at music taste. Ehem, here comes the funny thing. We do like the saaaame music, saaaame singers... everything. We are like TWINS. OMG. I can't believe this. But, he is handsome, and I am not. (Haha, those who know me will kick me in the ass, just 'cause they try to convince me that I am pretty. I don't think that, sorry, I don't have enough confidence.) So, I am a bit amazed of the fact that we are the same, I mean we think the same, love the same things, we are both idiots, and stuff, it's like I found my soulmate. And the simple fact that he starts talking to me is unbelievable. I feel like I'm floating. Bye bye reality.
The break is almost over, so we have to get in the classes. I don't want to. But I have to. I wish these few minutes would've never end. I had more fun in like 7 minutes than in my entire life. Sad. (Lol) So we say our goodbyes and we fo in the class.
I usually don't focus on what the teacher says, but now I can't even pretend I am focusing. My mind is still in the break thinking of what just happened. I can't till the next time to meet HIM.

(As I try to convince my mind not think of things that will never happen, I can't control myself. Never thought, such a man exists. Something has to be with this. Something, something unexplainable. But what? Or am I just falling... no, definitely not. )

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2018 ⏰

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