Bad Intentions : Chapter 24

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"Leigh and I spoke about this Greg issue when she came with her stuff. Like she had boxes full of things, where she was gonna put it I don't know and I don't care either as long if its not in my way I am okay with it.
Leigh :: "This bastard"
Kelsey :: "You know its good I didn't koppel privately there"
Leigh :: "But you slept with him"
Kelsey :: "It was just one time"
Leigh :: "Mhhmm"
Kelsey :: "Okay I'm hurt cause I really liked him"
Leigh :: "Its time to let go and move on babes, you got Marquin"
Kelsey :: "You're right, I am gonna give his ring back to him and ask him to stop texting and calling me"
Leigh :: "Yeah you do that. Well I gotta go"
Kelsey :: "Where you off to?"
Leigh :: "To my man"
Kelsey :: "Clinton?"
Leigh :: "Yaaas hunty, he says he misses me so now I gotta give him a taste of this Leigh juice 👅"
Kelsey :: "TMI, girl bye"
Leigh :: "Later 😂, or .. not"
Kelsey :: "You better come home"
I must say Leigh is such a fresh breath of air like I could get used to having her around. Now I won't be so bored. I'll have someone to talk to and make jokes with. But I must say I am still in shock, I was not ready for what I've seen earlier. Why was Greg lying to me? And what is so kxk about this whole situation is that I did not see this coming. I was so sure that the ring is Marquin's and it appears that I was wrong .. I phoned him - Greg - and asked him to come over so we can talk about this. I need to know what the hell is going on. Maybe this is Gods way of opening my eyes and telling me that I should stay away from Greg. I really need answers cause this pretending shxt aint working out for me anymore. It wasn't even long after I phoned him and he came, I knew that knock cause is the only one that knocks like that, I smiled but in that same moment I was serious.
Kelsey :: "Oh its you .. come in"
Greg :: "Of cause its me, you than called me"
Kelsey :: Please .. sit down"
Greg :: "Yaw why does it feel like I'm gonna be interrogated"
Kelsey :: "Maybe you are gonna be .. maybe not"
Greg :: "O..kay. What's going on?"
Kelsey :: "Maybe you can tell me"
Greg :: "I'm not sure I underst..."
Kelsey :: "Do you know this?"
Suddenly he went ice cold, he was lost for words. He just stared at the ring, it was almost as if he realized that time for games was over. I confronted him lekker, I didn't give him a chance - ska bafa chance - than boom I took out my phone and showed him the pictures. He didn't even need to explain himself cause I could see on his face that he is guilty. He grabbed the ring from my hand and said I won't understand. We argued because I wanted to know what the hell was going on, but than I stopped. I realized that its not my place to even behave this way, he doesn't belong to me so I am done. He slammed the door on his way out and I yelled - "we're not done here" - because he ows me the truth at least. How long was he gonna string me along for? Till I fell for him completely than he cut me loose? No way I am not ready for that.
I phoned my mom to hear how things are going that side. Its been a while since I heard from them. Gosh I feel so bad evens, but its darem going good with them, my dad is out of hospital and my mom is out job hunting. I did wanna tell them about Marquin but its too soon, what if things don't work out along the way? No, I'll just keep it quiet. Someone was at the door again, like what's so lekker here that people constantly come and knock. It was a delivery guy. He had a package for me - apparently - and it was this amazing dress and when I looked at the lable it said Versace 😱. I thought this was one big joke, like who would wanna play with me like this? It was from Marquin. He said that he'd pick me up at 18:00 tonight, we are going out. I checked the date and realized that we're dating for 5 months now. Its our anniversary, maybe he didn't forget, gosh my heart was sommer racing cause this guy just knows how to get me going. Well at least he has time for me tonight so I am gonna make it worth his while. I must him with a lil some-some 👅tonight. I mean we both deserve it and besides that's moss what people do on their anniversaries right? I wonder what does the future has in store for us, I am really hoping that this guy doesn't play me. Like I have said previously : I don't wanna start over with someone else, I don't wanna love someone else, Marquin is the one I wanna spend my life with. From the moment I saw him I knew he was the one. 
Leigh was suppose to be back by now, where was this child? I don't know why she always stayed away so long. Okay .. so I was ready to go, my hair is on point, make up is on point, I look lekker. Marquin won't be able to keep his eyes off me. I gotta make sure that this night is perfect. Well I can seker maar take a shot to calm my nerves, I saw vodka somewhere. Since we're on the vodka issue, I can't even believe that I am drinking so easy 😱, a year ago it would look so disgusting when I saw people drinking and getting drunk but its actually nice but the hangover the next day is terrible. Marquin phoned me to tell me that he's downstairs, I was literally screaming - because I felt so excited - but why did I have this bad feelings suddenly. Oh my gosh what if he wants to dump me in public so I don't feel kxk? Wow now my mind is going on a trip or maybe I am just overthinking things. Okay Kelsey, you got this, let's do this. I was even wearing heels. It had red bottoms but it was just a random shoe and it got me thinking of Cardi B 😂 - "these is red bottoms, these is bloody shoes" - but anyways let's do this. I swicthed of the lights and opened the door and boom .. there was Ronelle. Why was she here? I was so shocked to see her because she moss ignores me at work, we don't talk.
Kelsey :: "What are you doing here?"
Ronelle :: "I .. uh, came to see you"
Kelsey :: "About what?"
Ronelle :: "You know what .. its actually silly. Never mind"
I called her back so she could explain why she was here, it was so weird. She looked so frazzled, I wonder what's up but anyways I had a date to get to."

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