Chapter 10 [Jealous] Part Two

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Kenetth P.O.V

Seeing Julian and Hayley, laughed make jokes. Made me super jealous, obviously, we're not dating, but, i'm just being an 'overprotective bestriend' i guess.

Even when he made eye-contact with her, or anything he did with her, made me jealous, the car ride came to an end. As, we parked at the mall, I opened my car door, stepping out, waiting for txumany to step out. I straightened my posture, as txumany stepped out I closed the door behind her.

Hayley, came by my side, "Look what I posted on Instagram." she giggles, skipping away. Probably, something about Julian, Sighing, I pulled out my phone, going onto her account.

I looked at the picture, than caption.

Was I that obvious, of being jealous. I put my head up to look at her, she turned her head around laughing. A smile, etched on my face, butterflies ignited in my stomach, but, I ignored the feeling.

Jogging towards, the rest. I went by Hayley side, and, started walking. She made eye-contact with me, winked, and, then turned her head to the direction, in front of her. Julian,and, Txumany were talking and laughing.

"We're going to vlog." Julian said, Hayley, and, I nodded.

"Hey, guys, its Julian and Txumany, and, we have some special guest," he turned the camera towards, Hayley, and, I, "Hey guys." We said waving, a smile etched on our face.

We walking into the Mall, finally, and Julian went by Hayley side. I felt my hands clench into fist, but, I calmed myself. We're not even dating, I shouldn't be like this. Sighing, I rake my hands through my hair.

We went to Urban Outfiters, and, Hayley pretty much got like a lot of stuff, I paid, half of her stuff, although she didn't like that, I still ended up paying for half of her stuff.

They were pretty much vlogging everything, We all decided that we were hungry hearing Txumany, and, Julian stomachs rumble.

We went to a near by food court, I order a a burger, so did Hayley. Julian, ordered, two sandwich while, txumany, ordered a cheese burger. Our food came, and we, ate. Well, half of my burger, when i relazied that Julian, and, Hayley. Were gone, "Txumany, wheres Julian, and, Hayley?" I asked turning my direction towards her.

"The bathroom." She replies, taking another bite of her burger. "Okay."

I get up from my seat, going, to the bathroom. What I see had me jealous, blood went in my veins, as i saw Hayley, and, Julian talking, i moved in a little closer to what else they were doing.

My heart dropped, I felt, hurt, as i saw Hayley and, Julian holding hands, Their lips close to each other.

I gasped, as their lips made contact with each others. Tears glistened in my eyes, they turned theirs heads to my direction, and, once Hayley, saw me. Her eyes widened, "Kenetth... its not what it looks like." she said, my hands were shaking. I felt, my feet, and legs, and before i knew it i was running.

Why? Hayley. You just had to hurt me.

I guess this is Karma.



I did a Hannie video edit, and ill, be making Hayley video edits, and a lot more! Please enjoy this, for now on, when i make my chapters, their always be a video edit at the end.

Now time to make a video edit for Hayley!

Thank you guys so much for reading, and, I Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Have a wonderful day!

- Jada

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