The Tunnel

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The Tunnel

Chapter 1 of 2

The Start

Note: This is a short story based in a post-apacoliptic world that has zombies. If there are any errors please let me know so i can correct them :)

My friends and I were starving... We had no food for days and finished up our last M.R.E, we were running low on water and time...

We stumble apon a subway thats gated off while looking for a place to spend the night. We decide its worth the risk and try to open the gate. The heavy metal screechs on the concrete as it opens.

There is dust in the air and its hard to see exactally where were going. We find a few benches that aren't covered in moss and spend the night on them. In the morning we decide to resume the search and scower the subway looking for food and water.

The search ended at noon and we all came back to the benches to see what we gathered. Tommy, the muscle of the group, found a bottle half filled with water. Jackie, the inteligence of the group, ended up finding a half eatin can of beans and some water. I found nothing...

We rationed out the beans what were still desperate... We decided to take a risk and look in the train. Tommy slowly opened the door with his crowbar, right away there were 20 eyes looking right at him...

We ran, Tommy behind us, and ran to a door that read "Control Room" and quickly smashed the lock with my baseball bat. As soon as we opened the door 6 more eyes looking right at us.

They chases us and we ran back into a corner and thought we might be able to take them by making it so only a few could fight at a time, like the gates of Sparta. It didn't work out like that... We were quickly overrun. Jackie fell first, she made a valiant effort trying to kill the zombies with nothing but a pole.

Tommy and I were left, he was slightly in front of me killing the zombies as fast as they came, then one got a cheap shot at his side when he wasn't looking. At this point I was swinging my baseball bat wildly trying to get to Tommy, in the hope I actually might be able to help.

My bat broke and I was left swinging wildly running through them but one reached out and bit a chunk of flesh out of me bigger than I ever saw. I didn't stop and ran to the control room that previously had the beasts in it. I slammed the door shut and sat against the wall.

I sat against the wall and felt a warm sensation all over. I looked down and realized I was sitting in a pool of my own blood. That's when I knew it was over, I was sitting in my own blood, zombies banging on the door and slowly blacking out.

Chapter 2

The Transformation

I woke up, not knowing how long I had been out, the door was open. I heard gunshots and thought that maybe there were more humans down here that were well armed.

I finally stood up and walked out of the room, slowly. I noticed that the enterance we can in was caved in. I kept walking around in the shadows looking for the source of the noise.

I was walking when i saw 4 zombies just walk by me, like I wasn't there, or they didn't see me as a threat. I was frightened by the event but continued to walk on anyway.

I searched the station till I found the way they must have came in, a light from what looked like a sewer grate with a rope hanging down. I tried to jump but couldn't and the rope was just out of my reach.

Then it hit me, the group would be searching the area just like we had looking for any food or water. I waited and finally saw the group of 4 being chased by many zombies.

Then I saw this beautiful girl, standing right in the middle of the group appearing as the leader. I made my way over,staying in the shadows, and they were backed into a corner just like we were. The girl was in front now and they were out of ammo.

The group was going to be overran but I shuffled over, grabbed a plank, and smash a zombie closest to the girl still staying in the shadows. Then I smashed a zombie by the smallest male of the group and they realized there was someone, or something helping them.

I stayed away from the light and kept helping them. Once the zombies were all dead the biggest one of them stepped into the light and reached out his hand wanting to shake hands.

I brought my rotted hand up and shook hands. They said, "We didn't think anyone was alive down here, whats your name?" I tried to speak, but remembered zombies don't breath air. So I took in a big breath and then answered in a scratchy voice with, "There isn't."

The group looked bewildered and thought i was crazy, and asked me what I mean. I answered by simply stepping in the light showing my rotted body.

The group was suprised for a second then aware of what was happening and pointed there guns towards my head. Some of the group was yelling "Shoot it!" The large man yelled, "Don't shoot it, thats a command!"

Then the girl stepped forward and simply stared at me, observing.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2014 ⏰

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