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Hi Everyone. This is my first Roleplay story. I'm new this to this so don't be too hard on me. I got nothing to do, to be honest, so I hope I can get along and have fun with you guys. I can also translate my story into your language so you're feel free with the translation. And I'll do my best.

 Here are some rules to this.

1) Please don't spam or tag someone more than once. 

2) You have to respect each other.

3) Do not judge the Ocs on whoever they come from and what they are. 

4) You cannot roleplay someone Oc without permission. 

5) You can have a romance with your Oc, regardless on who the person is. example: boyxboy, girlxgirl, boyxgirl. doesn't matter. I'm not so sure about the LEMON Scene because of this Wattpad rule thing. You can post them but don't say something like... I rather not say but you know what I mean. But keep them to yourself if you want.  But to those who are young like 13 and such, keep that to yourself if you want.  And to those who are not old enough to see it are the LEMON scene is posted, then you better skip that and ignore that. 

6) Don't hate the roleplayer but the Oc. 

7) Feel free to use many Oc. You can use them to make them an idol group or what so ever.

8) Feel free to use Japanese like 'Kon'nichiwa.' But you want to add a translation because few don't know what it means. 

9) Feel free to use the Tsukiuta and Tsukipro characters as your Oc romance. You can also be roommate(s) with them. If your planning on using a roommate who is the opposite sex... might want to talk to me about that. 

10) Have fun!

11) OH! I almost forgot. You got to place in the days and year as well the time like like April 7, 7:30 pm of your Oc Story Like your dorm room or shared dorm room. Since the Tsukiuta the ANIMATION occurs sometime within 2013 to 2014, as their heights are consistent with their 2013 settings, while Procellarum had been introduced into the series late 2013, the two groups already seem to be well acquainted with each other. If your planning on using the year the Tsukiuta the ANIMATION was in. You can use the day after the full moon festival or the next year or the year after that and so forth.  If you want to time skip go ahead.  Choose the year your Oc want to be in. I don't know the day of the full moon festival started or I forgot it but the day way after the full moon festival like 2 weeks after the Full Moon festival.  

12) Oh, I keep forgetting. Use ANY song except the Tsukiuta songs because they exist in their universe and already written so you can't steal the idea. If your Oc, is in before those songs are made, you still can't use them but you can sing along with the idols who sing that song. For example: Awai Hana. It's already written but you can get the chances to make a trio with them but you need a strong bond with those who are going to sing that song in the future. That way, the fans will tell how much you mean to them and how much they are to you. And if that song already written, you can do a Karaoke and sing with the idols who sang it or your Ocs. Back to the subject, use any songs rather it's English or Japanese, the song Tooki Yama ni Hi wa Ochite is off limits because it's already in the show in the anime and some other Japanese songs. I don't know which to be honest. Use any other song because in the Tsukiuta universe, the other animation songs and in real life does not exist. But songs that has anime names like Fairy Tail can't count as a song since it's a theme song. But feel free to use other songs that fits your Oc and/ or Oc units or duet. Doesn't matter if it has to match with your Oc voice and your Oc voices. You can pretend you written them and use them for your Oc. If you're planning on using English songs don't worry about it, pretend they are in the Japanese language.  

13) Oh one last thing. I hope you don't mind that my Oc will join you. 

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